Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcDocumentValidationError


Class ezcDocumentValidationError

Unifies different errors into a single structure for all kinds of validation errors. The validation error message can be fetched using the __toString() method, while the original error is still be available, fi required.

Source for this file: /Document/src/validation_error.php

Version:   //autogen//

Member Variables

protected static array $errorTypes
textual mapping for libxml error types.
protected mixed $error
Original error object
protected string $message
Transformed error message.

Method Summary

public static ezcDocumentValidationError createFromException( $e )
Create validation error from Exception
public static ezcDocumentValidationError createFromLibXmlError( $error )
Create from LibXmlError
protected void __construct( $message , [ $error = null] )
Create validation error object
public mixed getOriginalError( )
Get original error object
public void __toString( )
Convert libXML error to string



static ezcDocumentValidationError createFromException( $e )

Create validation error from Exception

Name Type Description
$e Exception


static ezcDocumentValidationError createFromLibXmlError( $error )

Create from LibXmlError

Create a validation error object from a LibXmlError error object.

Name Type Description
$error LibXMLError


void __construct( string $message , [mixed $error = null] )

Create validation error object

Name Type Description
$message string
$error mixed


mixed getOriginalError( )

Get original error object


void __toString( )

Convert libXML error to string

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