Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcDocumentOdtPcssStyler


Class ezcDocumentOdtPcssStyler

PCSS based ODT styler.

This styler is based on the PCSS (simplified CSS rules) styling mechanism. You can use the addStylesheetFile() and addStylesheet() methods to add custom PCSS styles to it. It is used as the default in the ezcDocumentDocbookToOdtConverterOptions.

Source for this file: /Document/src/converters/element_visitor/docbook/odt/styler/pcss.php

Version:   //autogen//

Method Summary

public ezcDocumentOdtPcssStyler __construct( )
Creates a new ODT document styler.
public void addStylesheet( $stylesheet )
Adds the given PCSS $stylesheet definitions.
public void addStylesheetFile( $file )
Adds a PCSS stylesheet from the given file.
public void applyStyles( $docBookElement , $odtElement )
Applies the given $style to the $odtElement.
public void init( $odtDocument )
Initialize the styler with the given $styleInfo.



ezcDocumentOdtPcssStyler __construct( )

Creates a new ODT document styler.

Creates a new styler. Note that init() must be called before applyStyles() can be used. Otherwise an exception is thrown.


void addStylesheet( string $stylesheet )

Adds the given PCSS $stylesheet definitions.

Adds the PCSS styles given as a string in $stylesheet to the styler.

Name Type Description
$stylesheet string


void addStylesheetFile( string $file )

Adds a PCSS stylesheet from the given file.

Reads the given PCSS $file and adds the contained stylesheets to the styler.

Name Type Description
$file string


void applyStyles( $docBookElement , $odtElement )

Applies the given $style to the $odtElement.

$style is an array of style information as produced by ezcDocumentPcssStyleInferencer::inferenceFormattingRules(). The styling information given in this array is applied to the $odtElement by creating a new anonymous style in the ODT style section and applying the corresponding attributes to reference this style.

Name Type Description
$docBookElement ezcDocumentLocateable
$odtElement DOMElement
Type Description


void init( $odtDocument )

Initialize the styler with the given $styleInfo.

This method *must* be called *before* applyStyles() is called at all. Otherwise an exception will be thrown.

Name Type Description
$odtDocument DOMDocument
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