Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcDebug


Class ezcDebug

The ezcDebug class provides functionality to format and store debug messages and timers.

The functionality of the Debug component is two folded:

  • Debug log messages
  • Timers
The log messages are heavily based on the EventLog log messages. In fact internally the EventLog is used with its own log writer. The log() method is almost the same as from the EventLog. The next example demonstrates how to instantiate the ezcDebug class and write some log messages:
  1.  $debug = ezcDebug::getInstance();
  2.  $debug->log( "Connecting with the paynet server", 2 );
  3.  // ...
  4.  $debug->log( "Connection failed, retrying in 5 seconds", 1 );
  5.  // ...
  6.  $debug->log( "Could not connect with the server", 0 );

The second parameter of the log method is the verbosity. This is a number that specifies the importance of the log message. That makes it easier to sort out messages of less importance. In this example, we assumed the more important the message, the lower the verbosity number.

The ezcDebug timer is designed to allow the next two timing methods:

  • Timers, the time between two points in the program.
  • Accumulators, gets the relative time after the script started.
The "Timers" are simply set with the methods startTimer() and stopTimer(). The next example demonstrates the timing of a simple calculation:
  1.  $debug = ezcDebug::getInstance();
  2.  $debug->startTimer( "Simple calculation" );
  4.  // Simple calculation
  5.  $result = 4 + 6;
  7.  $debug->stopTimer( "Simple calculation" ); // Parameter can be omitted.

To get timing points, accumulators, use the switchTimer() method. This is shown in the next example:

  1.  $debug = ezcDebug::getInstance();
  2.  $debug->startTimer( "My script" );
  3.  // ...
  4.  $debug->switchTimer( "Reading ini file" );
  5.  // ...
  6.  $debug->switchTimer( "Initializing template parser" );
  7.  // ...
  8.  $debug->switchTimer( "Parsing" );
  9.  // ...
  10.  $debug->stopTimer();

Source for this file: /Debug/src/debug.php

Version:   //autogentag//


ezcDebugOptions read/write $options
Options to configure the behaviour of ezcDebug, including stack trace behaviours.

Member Variables

protected array(string=>mixed) $properties = array()

Method Summary

public static void debugHandler( $errno , $errstr , $errfile , $errline )
Dispatches the message and error type to the correct debug or log function.
public static ezcDebug getInstance( )
Returns the instance of this class.
public string generateOutput( )
Returns the formatted debug output.
public ezcLog getEventLog( )
Returns the instance of the EventLog used in this class.
public void log( $message , $verbosity , [ $extraInfo = array()] , [ $stackTrace = false] )
Writes the debug message $message with verbosity $verbosity.
public void reset( )
Resets the log messages and timer information.
public void setOutputFormatter( $formatter )
Sets the formatter $reporter for the output.
public void startTimer( $name , [ $group = null] )
Starts the timer with the identifier $name.
public void stopTimer( [ $name = false] )
Stops the timer identified by $name.
public void switchTimer( $newName , [ $oldName = false] )
Stores the time from the running timer, and starts a new timer.



static void debugHandler( int $errno , string $errstr , string $errfile , int $errline )

Dispatches the message and error type to the correct debug or log function.

This function should be used as the set_error_handler from the trigger_error function.

Use for example the following code in your application:

  1.  function debugHandler( $a, $b, $c, $d )
  2.  {
  3.      ezcDebug::debugHandler( $a, $b, $c, $d );
  4.  }
  6.  set_error_handler( "debugHandler" );

Use trigger_error() to log warning, error, etc:

  1.  trigger_error( "[Paynet, templates] Cannot load template", E_USER_WARNING );

See the PHP documentation of trigger_error for more information.

Name Type Description
$errno int
$errstr string
$errfile string
$errline int


static ezcDebug getInstance( )

Returns the instance of this class.

When the ezcDebug instance is created it is automatically added to the instance of ezcLog.


string generateOutput( )

Returns the formatted debug output.


ezcLog getEventLog( )

Returns the instance of the EventLog used in this class.

The returned instance is not the same as retrieved via the ezcLog::getInstance() method.


void log( string $message , int $verbosity , [ $extraInfo = array()] , [bool $stackTrace = false] )

Writes the debug message $message with verbosity $verbosity.

Arbitrary $extraInfo can be submitted. If $stackTrace is set to true, a stack trace will be stored at the current program position.

Name Type Description
$message string
$verbosity int
$extraInfo array(string=>string)
$stackTrace bool


void reset( )

Resets the log messages and timer information.


void setOutputFormatter( ezcDebugOutputFormatter $formatter )

Sets the formatter $reporter for the output.

If no formatter is set ezcDebugHtmlReporter will be used by default.

Name Type Description
$formatter ezcDebugOutputFormatter


void startTimer( string $name , [string $group = null] )

Starts the timer with the identifier $name.

Optionally, a timer group can be given with the $group parameter.

Name Type Description
$name string
$group string


void stopTimer( [string|bool $name = false] )

Stops the timer identified by $name.

$name can be omitted (false) if only one timer is running.

Name Type Description
$name string|bool


void switchTimer( string $newName , [string|bool $oldName = false] )

Stores the time from the running timer, and starts a new timer.

Stores the time for $oldTimer (maybe omitted if only 1 timer is running) and starts a new timer with $newName.

Name Type Description
$newName string
$oldName string|bool
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