Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcConsoleQuestionDialogTypeValidator


Class ezcConsoleQuestionDialogTypeValidator

Validator class to validate a certain data type.

Validator class for ezcConsoleQuestionDialog objects that validates a certain datatype.

Source for this file: /ConsoleTools/src/dialog/validators/question_dialog_type.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogen//


TYPE_BOOL = 3 Data type bool.

The results 1 and "true" will be cased to true, 0 and "false" to false.

TYPE_FLOAT = 2 Data type float.
TYPE_INT = 1 Data type int.
TYPE_STRING = 0 Data type string.


mixed read/write $default
A default value if no result given.
int read/write $type
One of ezcConsoleQuestionDialogTypeValidator::TYPE_*. The type to check against and convert results to.

Member Variables

protected array $properties = array(
"type" => self::TYPE_STRING,
"default" => null,


Method Summary

public void __construct( [ $type = self::TYPE_STRING] , [ $default = null] )
Creates a new question dialog type validator.
public mixed fixup( $result )
Returns a fixed version of the result, if possible.
public string getResultString( )
Returns a string representing valid results.
public bool validate( $result )
Returns if the given result is valid.



void __construct( [int $type = self::TYPE_STRING] , [mixed $default = null] )

Creates a new question dialog type validator.

Creates a new question dialog type validator, which validates the result specified to be of a certaon type. The $type must be one of the TYPE_* constants in this class. If no value is provided by the user a possibly set $default value is used instead.

Name Type Description
$type int One of ezcConsoleQuestionDialogTypeValidator::TYPE_*.
$default mixed Default value according to $type.


mixed fixup( mixed $result )

Returns a fixed version of the result, if possible.

Returns the value casted into the correct type or the default value, if it exists and the result is empty.

Name Type Description
$result mixed The result received.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcConsoleDialogValidator::fixup() Returns a fixed version of the result, if possible.


string getResultString( )

Returns a string representing valid results.

Returns the string that can will be displayed with the question to indicate valid results to the user and a possibly set default, if available.

Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcConsoleQuestionDialogValidator::getResultString() Returns a string of possible results to be displayed with the question.


bool validate( mixed $result )

Returns if the given result is valid.

Returns if the result is of the given type.

Name Type Description
$result mixed The result to check.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcConsoleDialogValidator::validate() Returns if the given result is valid.
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