Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcConsoleQuestionDialogValidator


Interface ezcConsoleQuestionDialogValidator

Interface that every console question dialog validator class must implement.

Source for this file: /ConsoleTools/src/interfaces/question_dialog_validator.php

Version:   //autogen//


Child Class Description
ezcConsoleMenuDialogValidator Interface that every console menu dialog validator class must implement.

Inherited Constants

From ezcConsoleDialogValidator:
ezcConsoleDialogValidator::CONVERT_LOWER    Convert result to lower-case.
ezcConsoleDialogValidator::CONVERT_NONE    Perform no conversion on the result.
ezcConsoleDialogValidator::CONVERT_UPPER    Convert result to upper-case.

Method Summary

public string getResultString( )
Returns a string of possible results to be displayed with the question.

Inherited Methods

From ezcConsoleDialogValidator
public mixed ezcConsoleDialogValidator::fixup()
Returns a fixed version of the result, if possible.
public bool ezcConsoleDialogValidator::validate()
Returns if the given result is valid.



string getResultString( )

Returns a string of possible results to be displayed with the question.

For example "(y/n) [y]" to indicate "y" and "n" are valid values and "y" is preselected.

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