Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcConsoleMenuDialogDefaultValidator


Class ezcConsoleMenuDialogDefaultValidator

Default validator for ezcConsoleMenuDialog.

This dialog contains a set of menu entries, defined in the $elements property. The result, provided by the user, is checked against the keys of this array. A conversion can be specified to relax the rules for validation (like coverting the result to lower case first). For possibly conversions see the CONVERT_* constants in this class If the user does not provide an answer, a possibly set default value is used.

Source for this file: /ConsoleTools/src/dialog/validators/menu_dialog_default.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogen//


int read/write $conversion
ezcConsoleDialogValidator::CONVERT_NONE (default) or ezcConsoleDialogValidator::CONVERT_LOWER or ezcConsoleDialogValidator::CONVERT_UPPER.
string read/write $default
The default value.
array read/write $elements
The elements of the menu.

Member Variables

protected array $properties = array(
"elements" => array(),"default"=>null,"conversion"=>self::CONVERT_NONE,)


Method Summary

public void __construct( [ $elements = array()] , [ $default = null] , [ $conversion = self::CONVERT_NONE] )
Creates a new menu default validator.
public mixed fixup( $result )
Returns a fixed version of the result, if possible.
public array(string=>string) getElements( )
Returns an array of the elements to display.
public string getResultString( )
Returns a string representing the default value.
public bool validate( $result )
Returns if the given result is valid.



void __construct( [ $elements = array()] , [mixed $default = null] , [int $conversion = self::CONVERT_NONE] )

Creates a new menu default validator.

Creates a validator specified by the given parameters. The $elements array specifies the possible menu items to select from. The item identifier (the key of the array) is used to validate the result. The assigned text is displayed as the menu item text. If no result is provided and an optionally provided default value is used. The $conversion parameter can be used to get a conversion applied to the result before validating it.

Name Type Description
$elements array The elements of the menu.
$default mixed The default value.
$conversion int The conversion to apply.


mixed fixup( mixed $result )

Returns a fixed version of the result, if possible.

Converts the given result according to the conversion defined in the $conversion property.

Name Type Description
$result mixed The received result.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcConsoleDialogValidator::fixup() Returns a fixed version of the result, if possible.


array(string=>string) getElements( )

Returns an array of the elements to display.

Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcConsoleMenuDialogValidator::getElements() Returns an array of the elements to display.


string getResultString( )

Returns a string representing the default value.

For example "[y]" to indicate that "y" is the preselected result and will be chosen if no result is provided.

Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcConsoleQuestionDialogValidator::getResultString() Returns a string of possible results to be displayed with the question.


bool validate( mixed $result )

Returns if the given result is valid.

Checks if the given result is a valid key in the $elements property.

Name Type Description
$result mixed The received result.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcConsoleDialogValidator::validate() Returns if the given result is valid.
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