Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcConsoleDialogValidator


Interface ezcConsoleDialogValidator

Interface that every console dialog validator class must implement.

Source for this file: /ConsoleTools/src/interfaces/dialog_validator.php

Version:   //autogen//


Child Class Description
ezcConsoleQuestionDialogValidator Interface that every console question dialog validator class must implement.


CONVERT_LOWER = 1 Convert result to lower-case.
CONVERT_NONE = 0 Perform no conversion on the result.
CONVERT_UPPER = 2 Convert result to upper-case.

Method Summary

public mixed fixup( $result )
Returns a fixed version of the result, if possible.
public bool validate( $result )
Returns if the given result is valid.



mixed fixup( mixed $result )

Returns a fixed version of the result, if possible.

This method tries to repair the submitted result, if it is not valid, yet. Fixing can be done in different ways, like casting into a certain datatype, string manipulation, creating an object. A result returned by fixup must not necessarily be valid, so a dialog should call validate after trying to fix the result.

Name Type Description
$result mixed The received result.


bool validate( mixed $result )

Returns if the given result is valid.

Name Type Description
$result mixed The received result.
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