Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcConfigurationIniReader


Class ezcConfigurationIniReader

ezcConfigurationIniReader provides functionality for reading INI files into ezcConfiguration objects.

Typical usage is to create the reader object and pass the filepath in the constructor:

  1.  $reader = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( "settings/site.ini" );
  2.  $reader->load();
That makes the class figure out the location and name values automatically.

Or generally use the init() function:

  1.  $reader = new ezcConfigurationIniReader();
  2.  $reader->init( "settings", "site" );
  3.  $reader->load();

Accessing the configuration object is done by the getConfig() method or by using the return value of load():

  1.  $conf1 = $reader->load();
  2.  $conf2 = $reader->getConfig();
  3.  // $conf1 and $conf2 points to the same object

If caching is employed the getTimestamp() method can be used to find the last modification time of the file.

  1.  $time = $reader->getTimestamp();
  2.  if ( $time > $cachedTime )
  3.  {
  4.     $reader->load();
  5.  }

Options can be set with the setOptions() method. The only option that this reader supports is the "useComments" option:

  1.  $reader->setOptions( array( 'useComments' => true ) );

Instead of loading the INI file it can be validated with validate(), this will return an ezcConfigurationValidationResult which can be inspected and presented to the end user.

  1.  $result = $reader->validate();
  2.  if ( !$result->isValid )
  3.  {
  4.     foreach ( $result->getResultList() as $resultItem )
  5.     {
  6.         print $resultItem->file . ":" . $resultItem->line . ":" .
  7.             $resultItem->column. ":";
  8.         print " " . $resultItem->details . "\n";
  9.     }
  10.  }

For more information on file based configurations see ezcConfigurationFileReader.

This class uses exceptions and will throw them when the conditions for the operation fails somehow.

Source for this file: /Configuration/src/ini/ini_reader.php

Version:   //autogen//

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcConfigurationFileReader
protected ezcConfigurationFileReader::$config
protected ezcConfigurationFileReader::$location
protected ezcConfigurationFileReader::$name
protected ezcConfigurationFileReader::$options
protected ezcConfigurationFileReader::$path

Method Summary

protected string getSuffix( )
Returns 'ini'. The suffix used in the storage filename.
public ezcConfiguration load( )
Loads a configuration object
public ezcConfigurationValidationResult validate( [ $strict = false] )
Validates the configuration.

Inherited Methods

From ezcConfigurationFileReader
public ezcConfigurationFileReader ezcConfigurationFileReader::__construct()
Constructs the reader object.
public bool ezcConfigurationFileReader::configExists()
Returns true if the configuration exists.
public ezcConfiguration ezcConfigurationFileReader::getConfig()
Returns the current configuration object.
public string ezcConfigurationFileReader::getLocation()
Returns the current location string.
public string ezcConfigurationFileReader::getName()
Returns the current name for the configuration to be read.
public array ezcConfigurationFileReader::getOptions()
Returns the current options for the reader.
public int ezcConfigurationFileReader::getTimestamp()
Returns the last modified timestamp.
public void ezcConfigurationFileReader::init()
Initializes the reader with a location and a name. These values determine where the configuration will be serialized.
protected void ezcConfigurationFileReader::parseLocationPath()
Parses a the path $path and sets the location and name properties on this object.
public void ezcConfigurationFileReader::setOptions()
Sets the options $configurationData.
From ezcConfigurationReader
public abstract bool ezcConfigurationReader::configExists()
Checks if the configuration exists.
public abstract ezcConfiguration ezcConfigurationReader::getConfig()
Returns the current configuration object.
public abstract string ezcConfigurationReader::getLocation()
Returns the current location string.
public abstract string ezcConfigurationReader::getName()
Returns the name of the configuration to be read.
public abstract array ezcConfigurationReader::getOptions()
Returns the options for the reader.
protected abstract string ezcConfigurationReader::getSuffix()
Returns the suffix used in the storage filename.
public abstract mixed ezcConfigurationReader::getTimestamp()
Returns the last modified timestamp.
public abstract void ezcConfigurationReader::init()
Initializes the reader with a $location and a $name.
public abstract ezcConfiguration ezcConfigurationReader::load()
Loads the current config object.
public abstract void ezcConfigurationReader::setOptions()
Sets the options $options for the reader.
public abstract ezcConfigurationValidationResult ezcConfigurationReader::validate()
Validates the configuration.



string getSuffix( )

Returns 'ini'. The suffix used in the storage filename.

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcConfigurationReader::getSuffix() Returns the suffix used in the storage filename.


Loads a configuration object

Loads the current config object from a give location which can later be stored with a ezcConfigurationWriter.

Type Description
ezcConfigurationNoConfigException if there is no config object to be read from the location.
ezcConfigurationInvalidSuffixException if the current location values cannot be used for reading.
ezcConfigurationReadFailureException if the configuration could not be read from the given location.
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcConfigurationReader::load() Loads the current config object.


ezcConfigurationValidationResult validate( [bool $strict = false] )

Validates the configuration.

Validates the configuration at the given location and returns the validation result.

If $strict is set it will not validate the file if it contains any errors or warnings. If false it will allow warnings but not errors.

Name Type Description
$strict bool
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcConfigurationReader::validate() Validates the configuration.
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