Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcCacheStorageMemcache


Class ezcCacheStorageMemcache

This class is a common base class for all Memcache based storage classes.

To implement a Memcache based cache storage, you simply have to derive from this class and implement the ezcCacheStorageMemcache::fetchData() and ezcCacheStorageMemcache::prepareData() methods.

For example code of using a cache storage, see ezcCacheManager.

The Cache package already contains an implementation this class:

Options for this class are defined in ezcCacheStorageMemcacheOptions.

Source for this file: /Cache/src/storage/memcache.php

Version:   //autogentag//


Child Class Description
ezcCacheStorageMemcachePlain This storage implementation stores data in a Memcache cache.


BACKEND_NAME = "Memcache" The backend name.
REGISTRY_NAME = 'ezcCacheStorageMemcache_Registry' The registry name.

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcCacheStorageMemory
protected ezcCacheStorageMemory::$backend
protected ezcCacheStorageMemory::$backendName
protected ezcCacheStorageMemory::$registry
protected ezcCacheStorageMemory::$registryName
protected ezcCacheStorageMemory::$searchRegistry
From ezcCacheStorage
protected ezcCacheStorage::$properties

Method Summary

public ezcCacheStorageMemcache __construct( [ $location = null] , [ $options = array()] )
Creates a new cache storage in the given location.
protected abstract mixed fetchData( $identifier )
Fetches the data from the cache.
protected abstract mixed prepareData( $data )
Prepare the data for storing.
public void setOptions( $options )
Set new options.

Inherited Methods

From ezcCacheStorageMemory
public ezcCacheStorageMemory ezcCacheStorageMemory::__construct()
Creates a new cache storage in the given location.
protected int ezcCacheStorageMemory::calcLifetime()
Calculates the lifetime remaining for a cache object.
public int ezcCacheStorageMemory::countDataItems()
Returns the number of items in the cache matching a certain criteria.
public void ezcCacheStorageMemory::delete()
Deletes the data associated with $id or $attributes from the cache.
protected void ezcCacheStorageMemory::fetchSearchRegistry()
Fetches the search registry from the backend or creates it if empty.
protected string ezcCacheStorageMemory::generateAttrStr()
Generates a string from the $attributes array.
public string ezcCacheStorageMemory::generateIdentifier()
Generates the storage internal identifier from ID and attributes.
public int ezcCacheStorageMemory::getRemainingLifetime()
Returns the time in seconds which remains for a cache object, before it gets outdated. In case the cache object is already outdated or does not exists, this method returns 0.
public void ezcCacheStorageMemory::lock()
Acquire a lock on the storage.
public array(string) ezcCacheStorageMemory::purge()
Purge outdated data from the storage.
protected void ezcCacheStorageMemory::registerIdentifier()
Registers an identifier to facilitate searching.
public void ezcCacheStorageMemory::reset()
Reset the complete storage.
public mixed ezcCacheStorageMemory::restore()
Restores the data from the cache.
public ezcCacheStackMetaData ezcCacheStorageMemory::restoreMetaData()
Restores and returns the meta data struct.
protected array(mixed) ezcCacheStorageMemory::search()
Searches the storage for data defined by ID and/or attributes.
public string ezcCacheStorageMemory::store()
Stores data to the cache storage under the key $id.
public void ezcCacheStorageMemory::storeMetaData()
Stores the given meta data struct.
protected void ezcCacheStorageMemory::storeSearchRegistry()
Stores the search registry in the backend.
public void ezcCacheStorageMemory::unlock()
Release a lock on the storage.
protected void ezcCacheStorageMemory::unRegisterIdentifier()
Un-registers a previously registered identifier.
protected void ezcCacheStorageMemory::validateLocation()
Checks if the location property is valid.
From ezcCacheStorage
public ezcCacheStorage ezcCacheStorage::__construct()
Creates a new cache storage in the given location.
public abstract int ezcCacheStorage::countDataItems()
Return the number of items in the cache matching a certain criteria.
public abstract void ezcCacheStorage::delete()
Delete data from the cache.
public string ezcCacheStorage::getLocation()
Returns the location.
public ezcCacheStorageOptions ezcCacheStorage::getOptions()
Return the currently set options.
public abstract int ezcCacheStorage::getRemainingLifetime()
Returns the time ( in seconds ) that remains for a cache object, before it gets outdated. In case the cache object is already outdated or does not exist, this method returns 0.
public abstract mixed ezcCacheStorage::restore()
Restore data from the cache.
public void ezcCacheStorage::setOptions()
Set new options.
public abstract string ezcCacheStorage::store()
Store data to the cache storage.
protected abstract void ezcCacheStorage::validateLocation()
Checks if the location property is valid.



ezcCacheStorageMemcache __construct( [string $location = null] , [ $options = array()] )

Creates a new cache storage in the given location.

Options can contain the 'ttl' ( Time-To-Life ). This is per default set to 1 day.

For details about the options see ezcCacheStorageMemcacheOptions.

Name Type Description
$location string Path to the cache location
$options array(string=>string) Options for the cache
Type Description
ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException If you tried to set a non-existent option value.
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcCacheStorageMemory::__construct() Creates a new cache storage in the given location.


mixed fetchData( string $identifier )

Fetches the data from the cache.

Name Type Description
$identifier string The memcache identifier to fetch data from
Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcCacheStorageMemcachePlain::fetchData() Fetches data from the cache. 


mixed prepareData( mixed $data )

Prepare the data for storing.

Name Type Description
$data mixed Simple type or array
Type Description
ezcCacheInvalidDataException If the data submitted can not be handled by this storage (object, resource).
Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcCacheStorageMemcachePlain::prepareData() Wraps the data in an ezcCacheStorageMemoryDataStruct structure in order to store it. 


void setOptions( ezcCacheStorageMemcacheOptions $options )

Set new options.

Overwrites the options with the given ones.

Name Type Description
$options ezcCacheStorageMemcacheOptions The options to set.
Type Description
ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException If you tried to set a non-existent option value. The accepted options depend on the ezcCacheStorage implementation and may vary.
ezcBaseValueException If the value is not valid for the desired option.
ezcBaseValueException If you submit neither an array nor an instance of ezcCacheStorageOptions.
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcCacheStorage::setOptions() Set new options.
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