Class CachingTrustVerifier

  extended byorg.apache.tsik.verifier.CachingTrustVerifier
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CachingTrustVerifier
extends Object
implements TrustVerifier

A proxy TrustVerifier implementation that caches the results of another TrustVerifier for a given time interval. For verifiers that perform expensive operations, this reduces the overhead of verification when the same key or certificate is verified multiple times within short periods of time. For example, caching may be useful with an XKMS TrustVerifier that interacts with a web service.

The cache lookup key for a PublicKey and X509Certificate is the value returned by their getEncoded() method. For a certification chain, the encoded values of all certificates are appended in order to get the cache lookup key. The cache lookup key for a key name is its String value.

Constructor Summary
CachingTrustVerifier(TrustVerifier verifier, long interval)
          Creates a CachingTrustVerifier for a given TrustVerifier and interval.
Method Summary
 void verifyTrust()
          Verifies that the absence of a key or certificate (e.g., an unsigned message) can be trusted.
 void verifyTrust(PublicKey key)
          Verifies that a public key is trusted.
 void verifyTrust(PublicKey key, String keyName)
          Verifies that a public key is trusted, also using an XML Signature key name.
 void verifyTrust(X509Certificate[] chain)
          Verifies that a certificate chain is trusted.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CachingTrustVerifier(TrustVerifier verifier,
                            long interval)
Creates a CachingTrustVerifier for a given TrustVerifier and interval.

verifier - is the TrustVerifier to use for verifying trust.
interval - is the number of milliseconds to cache the results of the verifier.
Method Detail


public void verifyTrust()
                 throws TrustVerificationException
Description copied from interface: TrustVerifier
Verifies that the absence of a key or certificate (e.g., an unsigned message) can be trusted. Returns silently if the message is trusted, or throws an exception if not.

Note that most TrustVerifier implementations will not consider the absence of a key or certificate to be trusted and these will always throw an exception when this method is called. This option is provided mainly for debugging purposes.

Specified by:
verifyTrust in interface TrustVerifier
TrustVerificationException - if the absence of a key or certificate cannot be trusted.


public void verifyTrust(PublicKey key)
                 throws TrustVerificationException
Description copied from interface: TrustVerifier
Verifies that a public key is trusted. Returns silently if the key is trusted, or throws an exception indicating the reason it is not.

Specified by:
verifyTrust in interface TrustVerifier
key - is the public key to check.
TrustVerificationException - if the given key cannot be trusted, or if an error occurs while trying to determine trust.


public void verifyTrust(PublicKey key,
                        String keyName)
                 throws TrustVerificationException
Description copied from interface: TrustVerifier
Verifies that a public key is trusted, also using an XML Signature key name. Returns silently if the key is trusted, or throws an exception indicating the reason it is not.

Note that some TrustVerifier implementations may ignore the keyName parameter and only verify the key. However, a key name should be specified when one is available since this allows certain verifiers to operate more reliably. For example, a public key value may not neccessary be globally unique and in this case the keyName can help to qualify it.

If the keyName is used by the verifier, it will also ensure that the specified key is indeed associated with that keyName.

Specified by:
verifyTrust in interface TrustVerifier
key - is the public key to check.
keyName - is the XML Signature key name of the key to check.
TrustVerificationException - if the given key cannot be trusted, or if an error occurs while trying to determine trust.


public void verifyTrust(X509Certificate[] chain)
                 throws TrustVerificationException
Description copied from interface: TrustVerifier
Verifies that a certificate chain is trusted. The chain must be presented in order from leaf entity toward root CA, such that for all i, 0 <= i < (chain.length - 1) implies chain[i].verify(chain[i+1].getPublicKey()) will succeed. Returns silently if the chain is trusted, or throws an exception indicating the reason if not.

Specified by:
verifyTrust in interface TrustVerifier
chain - is the certificate chain to check.
TrustVerificationException - if the given chain cannot be trusted, or if an error occurs while trying to determine trust.