Interface XmlResponse

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface XmlResponse

The interface for XML response messages for web services. Implementations are provided by the web service API, and typically are extensions of AbstractResponse.

Method Summary
 XmlRequest getRequest()
          Return the XmlRequest from which this response object was derived.
 boolean getStatus()
          Deprecated. This method is not needed since an exception is always thrown when an error is returned from the service.
 Document getXML()
          Return the XML document from which this response object was derived.

Method Detail


public boolean getStatus()
Deprecated. This method is not needed since an exception is always thrown when an error is returned from the service.

Return whether this response indicated that the request was processed sucessfully. Note that some implementations may always return true here, if an exception is thrown whenever an error occurs.

whether the request was processed successfully.


public Document getXML()
Return the XML document from which this response object was derived.

the XML document.


public XmlRequest getRequest()
Return the XmlRequest from which this response object was derived.

the request.