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Package org.apache.taverna.annotation

Entities within the workflow object model may be marked as annotated.

See: Description

Package org.apache.taverna.annotation Description

Entities within the workflow object model may be marked as annotated. When marked as such they contract to provide one or more of a variety of forms of metadata, whether generic or specific to the type of object within the model. This description is deliberately kept vague for now because we haven't yet enumerated what classes of annotation exist on each entity.

From this point in we will use the term 'metadata' to distinguish between annotations in terms of properties of the workflow and annotations in terms of the Java 5 language feature. This is particularly important we we use Java Annotations to implement the workflow annotations. Yay.

In keeping with the read-only model of the API package all metadata interfaces only specify the get methods for their respective contents. Modification of metadata instances is performed through Edit objects.

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