<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Glossary.aspx.cs" Inherits="Trade.Web.Glossary" %> .NET StockTrader Glossary
.NET StockTrader Apache Stonehenge Incubator Project


Term Description
Account IDA unique Integer based key. Each user is assigned an account ID at account creation time.
Account CreatedThe time and date the users account was first created.
Cash Balance The current cash balance in the users account. This does not include current stock holdings.
CompanyThe full company name for an individual stock.
Current Gain/LossThe total gain or loss of this account, computed by substracting the current sum of cash/holdings minus the opening account balance.
Current PriceThe current trading price for a given stock symbol.
Gain/LossThe current gain or loss of an individual stock holding, computed as (current market value - holding basis).
Last LoginThe date and time this user last logged in to Trade.
Market ValueThe current total value of a stock holding, computed as (quantity * current price).
Number of HoldingsThe total number of stocks currently owned by this account.
Open PriceThe price of a given stock at the open of the trading session.
Order IdA unique Integer based key. Each order is assigned an order ID at order creation time.
Opening BalanceThe initial cash balance in this account when it was opened.
Order Statusorders are opened, processed, closed and completed. Order status shows the current stat for this order.
Price RangeThe low and high prices for this stock during the current trading session
Purchase DateThe date and time the a stock was purchased.
Purchase PriceThe price used when purchasing the stock.
Purchase BasisThe total cost to purchase this holding. This is computed as (quantity * purchase price).
QuantityThe number of stock shares in the order or user holding.
Session CreatedAn HTTP session is created for each user at during login. Session created shows the time and day when the session was created.
Sum of Cash/HoldingsThe total current value of this account. This is the sum of the cash balance along with the value of current stock holdings.
SymbolThe symbol for a Trade stock.
Total LoginsThe total number of logins performed by this user.
Total LogoutsThe total number of logouts performed by this user.
Total of HoldingsThe current total value of all stock holdings in this account given the current valuation of each stock held.
Top GainersThe list of stocks (matching LIKE CLAUSE 's:1__%' per WebSphere Trade 6.1 behavior) gaining the most in price during the current trading session.
Top LosersThe list of stocks (matching LIKE CLAUSE 's:1__%' per WebSphere Trade 6.1 behavior) falling the most in price during the current trading session.
Trade Stock Index (TSIA)A computed index of the top 20 stocks (matching LIKE CLAUSE 's:1__%' per WebSphere Trade 6.1 behavior) in Trade.
Trading VolumeThe total number of shares traded for stocks (matching LIKE CLAUSE 's:1__%' per WebSphere Trade 6.1 behavior) during this trading session.
Txn FeeThe fee charged by the brokerage to process this order.
TypeThe order type (buy or sell).
User IDThe unique user ID for the account chosen by the user at account registration.
VolumeThe total number of shares traded for this stock.

Apache Stonehenge Incubator Project .NET StockTrader

Created with Visual Studio and the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5