
This application is an end-to-end sample application for WSO2 middleware technologies. It is a service-oriented application written using PHP that utilize WSO2 WSF/PHP.

The application also offers a rich set of interoperability options with other platforms. This includes interoperability with Java-based application servers and IBM WebSphere's Trade 6.1 sample application, and Microsoft .NET Stocktrader sample application. The application offers an excellent opportunity for developers to learn about WSO2 WSF/PHP and building interoperable, service-oriented applications.

For more details, check Apache Stonehenge home page.

Sample of Technologies Demonstrated

  • Service-oriented, n-tier design with PHP, Java and .NET
  • Clean separation of UI, business services and DB access
  • WSO2 Web Services Framework For PHP
  • WSO2 Web Services Application Server
  • Interoperability with .NET
  • Loosely-coupled, message-oriented design