The Apache Software Foundation Apache Incubator

Apache stdcxx Incubation Status

This page tracks the incubation status of the stdcxx project.


The Apache C++ Standard Library project is a complete implementation of the ISO/IEC 14882 C++ Standard Library.

The most distinguishing characteristic of this implementation of the C++ Standard Library is its portability to a large number of C++ compilers, operating systems, and hardware architectures.


  • 11/14/2007 STDCXX graduates into a Top Level Project.
  • 10/29/2007 With the approval of the Incubator PMC, STDCXX 4.2.0 is released.
  • 9/5/2007 STDCXX community adds two new committers, Eric (Brad) Lemings and Mark Brown.
  • 3/26/2007 Tim Triemstra joins the PPMC.
  • 2/13/2007 Andrew Black and Farid Zaripov join the PPMC.
  • 10/11/2006 STDCXX community adds a new committer, Andrew Black.
  • 8/10/2006 STDCXX community adds a new committer, Farid Zaripov.
  • 1/30/2006 With the approval of the Incubator PMC STDCXX 4.1.3 was released.
  • 1/13/2006 STDCXX community adds a new committer, Anton Pevtsov.
  • 11/25/2005 Windows configuration and build infarstructure committed to Subversion (STDCXX-5).
  • 9/16/2005 The first snapshot of stdcxx 4.1.2 has been published.
  • 9/5/2005 The test suite driver committed to Subversion (STDCXX-3).
  • 9/1/2005 A proposalto publish the first stdcxx snapshot on the stdcxx Web site has passed the community vote.
  • 8/28/2005 The process of downloading stdcxx files documented on the Download page. (STDCXX-17).
  • 8/01/2005 The process of reporting bugs in the stdcxx bug tracking databasedocumented and published on the Bugs page. (STDCXX-9.)
  • 7/19/2005 stdcxx project page and status page committed to subversion.
  • 7/18/2005 stdcxx sources and documentation moved to subversion.
  • 5/19/2005 stdcxx project accepted for incubation.
  • 5/13/2005 stdcxx project proposal.

Project Info

item id reference
Web site www
wiki Wiki not requested.
Mailing lists dev
Moderators sebor Martin Sebor
wrowe William A. Rowe, Jr.
Bug tracking jira
Source code svn
Sponsor Incubator PMC
Mentors jerenkrantz Justin Erenkrantz (See this post.)
ben Ben Laurie (See this post.)
wrowe William A. Rowe, Jr. (See this post.)
Committers ablack Andrew Black (Rogue Wave)
hbuelow Heidi Buelow
ldiduck Lance Diduck
jhollis John Hollis (Rogue Wave)
ajindal Amit Jindal (self)
lnicoara Liviu Nicoara (Rogue Wave)
rpalepu Ravi Palepu (Rogue Wave)
antonp Anton Pevtsov (VDI)
sebor Martin Sebor (Rogue Wave)
ttriemstra Tim Triemstra (Apple)
faridz Farid Zaripov (EPAM)
mbrown Mark Brown
elemings Eric Lemings (Rogue Wave)

Incubation Status Reports

file note
2007-11.text Status report for the calendar quarter ending in November 2007.
2007-08.text Status report for the calendar quarter ending in August 2007.
2007-05.text Status report for the calendar quarter ending in May 2007.
2007-02.text Status report for the calendar quarter ending in February 2007.
2006-11.text Status report for the calendar quarter ending in November 2006.
2006-08.text Status report for the calendar quarter ending in August 2006.
2006-04.text Status report for the calendar quarter ending in April 2006.
2005-12.text Status report for the calendar quarter ending in December 2005.
2005-09.text Status report for the calendar quarter ending in September 2005.

Incubation Work Items

Project Setup

Identify the project to be incubated

date item
N/A Make sure that the requested project name does not already exist and check NameProtect to be sure that the name is not already trademarked for an existing software product.
N/A If request from an existing Apache project to adopt an external package, then ask the Apache project for the cvs module and mail address names.
N/A If request from outside Apache to enter an existing Apache project, then post a message to that project for them to decide on acceptance.
N/A If request from anywhere to become a stand-alone PMC, then assess the fit with the ASF, and create the lists and modules under the incubator address/module names if accepted.

Interim responsibility

date item
DONE Identify all the Mentors for the incubation, by asking all that can be Mentors.
DONE Subscribe all Mentors on the pmc and general lists.
DONE Give all Mentors access to all incubator SVN modules (to be done by PMC chair).
DONE Tell Mentors to track progress in the status file.


date item
DONE Check and make sure that the papers that transfer rights to the ASF been received. It is only necessary to transfer rights for the package, the core code, and any new code produced by the project.
7/18/2005 - 6/23/2007 Check and make sure that the files that have been donated have been updated to reflect the new ASF copyright (STDCXX-457).

Verify distribution rights

date item
DONE Check and make sure that for all code included with the distribution that is not under the Apache license, has the right to combine with Apache-licensed code and redistribute.
DONE Check and make sure that all source code distributed by the project is covered by one or more of the following approved licenses: Apache, BSD, Artistic, MIT/X, MIT/W3C, MPL 1.1, or something with essentially the same terms.

Establish a list of active committers

date item
7/11/2005 Check that all active committers have submitted a contributors agreement (see the list of committersabove for any exceptions).
7/19/2005 Add all active committers to the status page.
7/16/2005 Ask root to create committers' accounts on (INFRA-440).


date item
7/16/2005 Ask infrastructure to create source repository modules and grant the committers karma (INFRA-441).
7/13/2005 Ask infrastructure to set up and archive mailing lists (INFRA-339).
7/16/2005 Decide about and then ask infrastructure to setup an issue tracking system (INFRA-438).
DONE Migrate the project to our infrastructure.


date item
8/2/2005 - 8/3/2005 Publish a pageon how to file issues against the project and how to submit patches (STDCXX-9).
7/25/2005 - 7/31/2005 Improve the project page (STDCXX-6).
7/25/2005 - 1/18/2006 Make the Class Reference and Users Guide available online, from the project page (STDCXX-12).
7/25/2005 - 9/16/2005 Make a tarball of stable project sources available for download from the project site.
7/25/2005 - ... Document the design and development practices and publish them on the project site.
7/25/2005 - ... Put together a list of things to do and publish it on the project site.
7/25/2005 - 9/5/2005 Check in the test driver (STDCXX-3).
7/25/2005 - ... Check in the project test suite (STDCXX-4).


These action items have to be checked for during the whole incubation process.

These items are not to be signed as done during incubation, as they may change during incubation. They are to be looked into and described in the status reports and completed in the request for incubation signoff.

Collaborative Development

  • Have all of the active long-term volunteers been identified and acknowledged as committers on the project?
  • Are there three or more independent committers? (The legal definition of independent is long and boring, but basically it means that there is no binding relationship between the individuals, such as a shared employer, that is capable of overriding their free will as individuals, directly or indirectly.)
  • Are project decisions being made in public by the committers?
  • Are the decision-making guidelines published and agreed to by all of the committers?

Licensing awareness

  • Are all licensing, trademark, credit issues being taken care of and acknowleged by all committers?


No project-specific tasks.


Things to check for before voting the project out.

Organizational acceptance of responsibility for the project

  • If graduating to an existing PMC, has the PMC voted to accept it? N/A.
  • If graduating to a new PMC, has the board voted to accept it? Yes. See this post.

Incubator sign-off

  • Has the Incubator decided that the project has accomplished all of the above tasks? Yes. See the VOTE RESULT.