$Id$ Stdcxx status report for the calendar quarter ending in November 2007. Project Summary: Stdcxx is a portable implementation of the C++ Standard Library conforming to the ISO/IEC 14882 international standard for C++. In incubation: since 5/19/2005. Issues to resolve before graduation: None. Community: The project has 13 committers (excluding mentors). Not counting mentors, the stdcxx PPMC consists of 9 committers. Mailing List Activity: stdcxx-commits: 15 (+1) subscribers, 2.56 (+0.40) posts/day stdcxx-dev: 55 (+4) subscribers, 7.18 (+1.30) posts/day stdcxx-user: 39 (+2) subscribers, 0.29 (-0.02) posts/day Bug Tracking: Total issues: 645 (+109) Outstanding: 272 (+ 8) Resolved: 81 (+ 21) Closed: 292 (+ 80) Current Projects: Since the last report three months ago the team has accomplished three major milestones. In September we added two new committers, Eric Bradley Lemings and Mark Brown. On October 16 we received the approval of the Incubator PMC to recommend to the Board to graduate stdcxx to a Top Level Project. The recommendation has been forwarded to the Board for consideration at the November meeting. Finally, on October 29 the Incubator PMC approved our request to release stdcxx 4.2.0. Code: The most recent release of stdcxx, version 4.2.0, was published in October 2007. The schedule of the 4.2.1 maintenance upgrade is currently being discussed. The expected timeframe is December 2007 to February 2008. All code is licensed under the Apache license version 2.