PhotArk - Getting Started


Getting the source code

PhotArk subversion repository is located at

The repository can also be viewed online at

Checking out code from Subversion

svn checkout

Building the source code

mvn clean install

Importing PhotArk modules into Eclipse

If this is the first time you are using your workspace with maven m2 local repository, you will need to tell your Eclipse workspace the location of the directory, and you can do this with the following command :

mvn -Declipse.workspace=[path-to-eclipse-workspace] eclipse:add-maven-repo

To generate the necessary eclipse project files to import PhotArk modules into Eclipse, you can use the maven eclipse plugin:

mvn eclipse:eclipse

Running PhotArk from inside Eclipse

After you have imported PhotArk modules into eclipse, use the launchXXX classes in the photo-gallery module, and run them as Java applications in your eclipse IDE

Point your browser to : http://localhost:8080/gallery/

Deploying PhotArk in Web Application

After building the source code, deploy photo-gallery-webapp/target/photo-gallery-webapp.war in your favorite web application server (e.g Apache Tomcat)

Point your browser to : http://localhost:8080/photo-gallery-webapp/

PhotArk - Application Screen Shoot