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Documenti da prelevare

Documento Descrizione Formato Dimensione (circa)
4 page Product Flyer (English) Print on A3 landscape double-sided, and fold for a handy A4 size brochure pdf 600kb
4 page Product Flyer (Français) Print on A3 landscape double-sided, and fold for a handy A4 size brochure pdf 600kb
4 page Product Flyer (English) Print on A4 portrait double-sided and staple for a handy A4 size brochure pdf 160kb
2 page Product Specification (English) Print on A4 portrait double-sided may be used an an insert with the A3 Product Flyer pdf 90kb


Documento Descrizione Formato Note 2 Presentation of the features of 2 pdf 600kb
Impress A guided tour of Impress -'s tool for dynamic presentations - in use Flash Opens in new window

Requisiti di Sistema

I requisiti minimi di sistema per eseguire 2.0 possono essere trovati alla pagina System Requirements.