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Developer Projects

Modules in the Database Access Project
Module Functionality
Base connectivity. This module contains database driver implementations for ODBC 3.0, JDBC, ADO, dBase, and CSV files. The way to access these drivers is very similar to JDBC as the drivers implement an API which covers the JDBC API..
Database access layer. This module contains code for accessing databases from applications. It also contains the following:
  • Core implementations for configuration of data sources
  • Additional implementations like RowSets and abstractions like database meta informations
  • A graphical user interface (GUI) for customizing data sources and access to data

Modules in other Projects, related to Database Access
This module, though currently part of the GSL project, is related to Database access as well. It contains most of the code necessary to build up a form layer (means the components for logical forms, control models, and controls). This project is self-contained, means it is only exporting UNO components.
Additional implementations for integrating the form layer into the aplications can be found in the SVX module, project grahics. Here, the directories svx/source/form and svx/source/fmcomp belong to Database Access.

Additionally, basics for the form layer (more precise, basics for integrating UNO controls into applications drawing layer) can be found in svx/source/svdraw.