:: com :: sun :: star :: uri ::

service UriReferenceFactory
Supported Interface
creates URI references.

See RFC 2396 for a description of URI references and related terms.

For parsing absolute URI references, this service tries to use a scheme-specific parser. Such a scheme-specific parser will typically enforce additional restrictions during parsing, and will typically return objects that support extra, scheme-specific interfaces in addition to XUriReference. If no such parser is found, and for relative URI references, a generic parser is used, which returns objects that only support XUriReference.

Locating a scheme-specific parser works as follows: A scheme consists of Latin captial letters “A”–“Z”, Latin small letters “a”–“z”, digits “0”–“9”, “+”, “-”, and “.”. A scheme s is transformed into a string s′ character-by-character, by translating Lating capital letters to their small counterparts, translating “+” to “PLUS”, “-” to “HYPHEN”, “.” to “DOT”, and copying Latin small letters and digits unchanged. If the component context used while creating this UriReferenceFactory instance offers a service manager, and there is a service available at that service manager whose name is the concatenation of “com.sun.star.uri.UriSchemeParser_” and s′, then that service is used. It is an error if that service does not support XUriSchemeParser.

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