:: com :: sun :: star :: uri ::

interface XUriSchemeParser
parses textual representations of absolute URIs.

See RFC 2396 for a description of URIs and related terms.

OOo 2.0

Methods' Summary
parse parses the textual representation of an absolute URI.  
Methods' Details
parse( [in] string  scheme,
[in] string  schemeSpecificPart );

parses the textual representation of an absolute URI.

This method is used to parse URIs (with no fragment part), not URI references (with an optional fragment part).

If an object is returned, the behaviour of its XUriReference methods must reflect the fact that the object represents an absolute URI reference with the given scheme and scheme-specific part, and without a fragment part.

Parameter scheme
the textual representation of the scheme part (without the delimiting “:”).
Parameter uriReference
the textual representation of the scheme-specific part.
an object that supports XUriReference (and possibly also additional, scheme-specific interfaces), if the given input can be parsed into an absolute URI; otherwise, NULL is returned.
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