:: com :: sun :: star :: rendering ::

interface XColorSpace
Information how to interpret certain color data.

This interface encapsulates all information that is necessary to interpret color data, by defining a describing color space, like for example CMYK or sRGB. You can either convert between this and an arbitrary other colorspace, or into the standard RGB or ARGB formats (because those are so overwhelmingly common in computer graphics).

All canvas interfaces standardize to sequences of IEEE doubles for color representation. As this is overly verbose when used for bitmap data, derived interfaces exist, e.g. XIntegerBitmapColorSpace, which use sequences of integers for color representation.

Methods' Summary
getType Query type of this color space. 
getComponentTags Query the kind for each color component. 
getRenderingIntent Query rendering intent of this color space. 
getProperties Query various optional properties from the color space. 
convertColorSpace Convert to color of another color space. 
convertToRGB Convert color value in this color space to sRGB color values. 
convertToARGB Convert color value in this color space to sRGB color values, with linear alpha. 
convertToPARGB Convert color value in this color space to premultiplied sRGB color values, with linear alpha. 
convertFromRGB Convert sRGB color to a representation in this color space. 
convertFromARGB Convert sRGB color with linear alpha into this color space. 
convertFromPARGB Convert premultiplied sRGB color with linear alpha into this color space. 
Methods' Details

Query type of this color space.

a value from the ColorSpaceType constant group.
sequence< byte >

Query the kind for each color component.

Color space components tend to correspond to physical attributes like the amount of one specific colorant contained in the final output color. This method returns a sequence of tags, specifying for each component of a color value, to what color attribute (if any) it corresponds. The values must be one of the ColorComponentTag constants.

At the same time, the number of elements in this sequence corresponds to the number of color channels for this color space.

For the standard RGB color space, ComponentTags consists of three elements, containing RGB_RED, RGB_GREEN and RGB_BLUE tags, respectively

Query rendering intent of this color space.

a value from the RenderingIntent constant group.
sequence< ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >

Query various optional properties from the color space.

If this color space has an ICC color profile, the sequence contains an element named ICCProfile. Some color spaces also have properties Gamma, Whitepoint and Blackpoint. Background information for these is available here.

sequence< ColorComponent >
convertColorSpace( [in] sequence< ColorComponent >  deviceColor,
[in] XColorSpace  targetColorSpace )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Convert to color of another color space.

Parameter deviceColor
Sequence of device color components. Is permitted to contain more than one device color element, therefore, batch conversion of multiple color values is possible.
the corresponding sequence of device colors in the target color space (e.g. ::sequence or ::sequence).
a com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, if the input sequence does not match the device color format (e.g. if the number of components is wrong)
sequence< RGBColor >
convertToRGB( [in] sequence< ColorComponent >  deviceColor )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Convert color value in this color space to sRGB color values.

Any information not representable in the RGBColor struct is discarded during the conversion. This includes alpha information.

Parameter deviceColor
Sequence of device color components. Is permitted to contain more than one device color element, therefore, batch conversion of multiple color values is possible.
the corresponding sequence of colors in the sRGB color space.
a com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, if the input sequence does not match the device color format.
See also
sequence< ARGBColor >
convertToARGB( [in] sequence< ColorComponent >  deviceColor )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Convert color value in this color space to sRGB color values, with linear alpha.

If the given input color does not carry alpha information, an alpha value of 1.0 (fully opaque) is assumed.

Parameter deviceColor
Sequence of device color components. Is permitted to contain more than one device color element, therefore, batch conversion of multiple color values is possible.
the corresponding sequence of colors in the sRGB color space.
a com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, if the input sequence does not match the device color format.
sequence< ARGBColor >
convertToPARGB( [in] sequence< ColorComponent >  deviceColor )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Convert color value in this color space to premultiplied sRGB color values, with linear alpha.

If the given input color does not carry alpha information, an alpha value of 1.0 (fully opaque) is assumed. The resulting individual RGB color values are premultiplied by the alpha value (e.g. if alpha is 0.5, each color value has only half of the original intensity).

Parameter deviceColor
Sequence of device color components. Is permitted to contain more than one device color element, therefore, batch conversion of multiple color values is possible.
the corresponding sequence of colors in the sRGB color space.
a com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, if the input sequence does not match the device color format.
sequence< ColorComponent >
convertFromRGB( [in] sequence< RGBColor >  rgbColor )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Convert sRGB color to a representation in this color space.

If this color space conveys alpha information, it is assumed be fully opaque for the given rgb color value.

Parameter deviceColor
Sequence of sRGB color components. Is permitted to contain more than one color element, therefore, batch conversion of multiple color values is possible.
the corresponding sequence of device colors.
a com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, if the input sequence does not match the device color format.
sequence< ColorComponent >
convertFromARGB( [in] sequence< ARGBColor >  rgbColor )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Convert sRGB color with linear alpha into this color space.

If this color space does not convey alpha information, the specified alpha value is silently ignored.

Parameter rgbColor
Sequence of sRGB color components. Is permitted to contain more than one color element, therefore, batch conversion of multiple color values is possible.
the corresponding sequence of device colors.
a com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, if the input sequence does not match the device color format.
sequence< ColorComponent >
convertFromPARGB( [in] sequence< ARGBColor >  rgbColor )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Convert premultiplied sRGB color with linear alpha into this color space.

If this color space does not convey alpha information, the specified alpha value is silently ignored.

Parameter rgbColor
Sequence of sRGB color components. Is permitted to contain more than one color element, therefore, batch conversion of multiple color values is possible. The individual color values are assumed to be premultiplied by the alpha value.
the corresponding sequence of device colors.
a com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, if the input sequence does not match the device color format.
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