:: com :: sun :: star :: mozilla ::

interface XPluginInstance
Allows to controll an office side plugin instance and to communicate with it. This interface is oriented for communication with browsers plugins.

Methods' Summary
start Starts plugin operation. This is called after a plugin instance is created.  
stop Stops plugin operation. This is called when the user goes to another web page. The XPluginInstance::destroy method is directly called afterwards.  
destroy Destroy the plugin instance. This method is called when it is no longer possible to return to the plugin instance, because it was destroyed by the browser (e.g., window close).  
createWindow Creates a new window for plugin operation.  
newStream Notifies the plugin of a new stream to display.  
newURL Notifies the plugin of a new url to open as document.  
getHttpServerURL Retrieves the URL of the HTTP Loadbalancing Slave.  
Methods' Details
[oneway] void

Starts plugin operation. This is called after a plugin instance is created.
[oneway] void

Stops plugin operation. This is called when the user goes to another web page. The XPluginInstance::destroy method is directly called afterwards.
[oneway] void

Destroy the plugin instance. This method is called when it is no longer possible to return to the plugin instance, because it was destroyed by the browser (e.g., window close).
[oneway] void
createWindow( [in] any  PlatformParentData,
[in] boolean  embedded );

Creates a new window for plugin operation.
Parameter PlatformParentData
[in]: platform dependent window data
Parameter embedded
[in]: selects embedded or full page plugin mode
[oneway] void
newStream( [in] string  MIMEDesc,
[in] string  theURL,
[in] string  filter,
[in] ::com::sun::star::io::XInputStream  stream,
[in] any  sessionData );

Notifies the plugin of a new stream to display.
Parameter MIMEDesc
[in]: the MIMEtype of the data stream
Parameter theURL
[in]: the URL that denotes the stream
Parameter filter
[in]: a filter string to suggest a component that should handle the document
Parameter stream
[in]: the data stream
Parameter sessiondata
[in]: the data specifying the current session
[oneway] void
newURL( [in] string  MIMEDesc,
[in] string  theURL,
[in] string  filter,
[in] any  sessionData );

Notifies the plugin of a new url to open as document.
Parameter MIMEDesc
[in]: the MIMEtype of the data stream
Parameter theURL
[in]: the URL to be openend
Parameter filter
[in]: a filter string to suggest a component that should handle the document
Parameter sessiondata
[in]: the data specifying the current session
getHttpServerURL( [out] string  aHost,
[out] unsigned short  aPort,
[out] string  aPrefix );

Retrieves the URL of the HTTP Loadbalancing Slave.
Parameter aURL
[out]: the full qualified host name of the LBS
Parameter aPort
[out]: the port number
Parameter aPrefix
[out]: the url prefix to the portal
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