:: com :: sun :: star :: graphic ::

unpublished interface XPrimitive2D
Usage Restrictions
not published
XPrimitive2D interface This is the basic interface for 2D graphic primitives. They need to be able - to provide a decomposition consisting of simpler graphic primitives - to provide a 2D bound rectangle as a 2D range

Methods' Summary
getDecomposition Retrieve decomposed list of simpler primitives  
getRange Retrieve bound rect of primitive This method calculates the actual bound rect of the area in world coordinates. Note that for view-dependent primitives, the necessary pixel adjustments are taken into account. For that reason the ViewParameters need to be given.  
Methods' Details
sequence< XPrimitive2D >
getDecomposition( [in] sequence< ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >  aViewParameters );

Retrieve decomposed list of simpler primitives
Parameter aViewParameters
2D View-specific parameter set. The defined but not mandatory parameters include: ::com::sun::star::geometry::AffineMatrix2D Transformation A transformation matrix which maps between world coordinates (which is equal to object's local coordinates) to view coordinates. If not defined, an empty transformation is implied. ::com::sun::star::geometry::RealRectangle2D Viewport Defines the visible part of the view in world coordinates. May be used to optimize decompositions, e.g. for 3d scenes only the visible part needs to be created. If not given, an empty Viewport is implied which means all is visible. double Time Defines the point in time for which the geometry is defined. This may lead to varied results for animated objects. This value is defined in the range [0.0 .. n[, negative values are not allowed. If not given, a value of 0.0 is implied.
getRange( [in] sequence< ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >  aViewParameters );

Retrieve bound rect of primitive This method calculates the actual bound rect of the area in world coordinates. Note that for view-dependent primitives, the necessary pixel adjustments are taken into account. For that reason the ViewParameters need to be given.
Parameter aViewParameters
2D View-specific parameter set, same as in getDecomposition.
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