:: com :: sun :: star :: form :: runtime ::

unpublished constants group FormFeature
Usage Restrictions
not published
specifies the operations on a user interface form, as supported by the XFormOperations interface.
OOo 2.2

MoveAbsolute moves the form to a record given by absolute position.  
TotalRecords determines the number of total records in the form, including the potentially active insertion row.  
MoveToFirst moves the form to the first record 
MoveToPrevious moves the form to the record before the current record, if there is any 
MoveToNext moves the form to the record after the current record, if there is any 
MoveToLast moves the form to the last record 
MoveToInsertRow moves the form to the insertion row, if privileges allow 
SaveRecordChanges saves all changes in the form's current record, including changes in the current control which had not yet been committed to the form  
UndoRecordChanges revertsall changes in the form's current record, including changes in the current control which had not yet been committed to the form  
DeleteRecord deletes the current record, while honoring any registered ::com::sun::star::form::XConfirmDeleteListeners  
ReloadForm reloads the form content 
SortAscending sorts the form ascending by the field which the active form control is bound to. 
SortDescending sorts the form descending by the field which the active form control is bound to. 
InteractiveSort opens a dialog which allows the user to interactively specify a form sorting order 
AutoFilter adds a filter to the form, which is defined by the active form control and its current value  
InteractiveFilter opens a dialog which allows the user to interactively specify a form filter 
ToggleApplyFilter toggles the ::com::sun::star::sdb::RowSet::ApplyFilter property of a the form.  
RemoveFilterAndSort removes all filter and sort criterions put on the form.  
RefreshCurrentControl refreshs the current control  
Constants' Details
const short MoveAbsolute = 1;
moves the form to a record given by absolute position.

This operation cannot be executed without arguments. When executing it (i.e. when calling XFormOperations::executeWithArguments), you need to specify a parameter named Position of type long, which denotes the position to move the form to.

const short TotalRecords = 2;
determines the number of total records in the form, including the potentially active insertion row.

This is not strictly an operation you can do on a form, but rather a state you can retrieve (and display to the user) using the XFormOperations' respective methods.

The state obtained here is a string, not a number. This is because in an UI form, the fact that the current record count is not yet known (since not all records have been visited, yet) is indicated by an asterik (*) besides the record count.

const short MoveToFirst = 3;
moves the form to the first record
const short MoveToPrevious = 4;
moves the form to the record before the current record, if there is any
const short MoveToNext = 5;
moves the form to the record after the current record, if there is any
const short MoveToLast = 6;
moves the form to the last record
const short MoveToInsertRow = 7;
moves the form to the insertion row, if privileges allow
const short SaveRecordChanges = 8;
saves all changes in the form's current record, including changes in the current control which had not yet been committed to the form
const short UndoRecordChanges = 9;
revertsall changes in the form's current record, including changes in the current control which had not yet been committed to the form
const short DeleteRecord = 10;
deletes the current record, while honoring any registered ::com::sun::star::form::XConfirmDeleteListeners
const short ReloadForm = 11;
reloads the form content
const short SortAscending = 12;
sorts the form ascending by the field which the active form control is bound to.
const short SortDescending = 13;
sorts the form descending by the field which the active form control is bound to.
const short InteractiveSort = 14;
opens a dialog which allows the user to interactively specify a form sorting order
const short AutoFilter = 15;
adds a filter to the form, which is defined by the active form control and its current value

For instance, if the currently active form control is bound to a table field named Price, and currently has a value of 100, then invoking the AutoFilter operation will put an additional filter Price = 100 on the form.

const short InteractiveFilter = 16;
opens a dialog which allows the user to interactively specify a form filter
const short ToggleApplyFilter = 17;
toggles the ::com::sun::star::sdb::RowSet::ApplyFilter property of a the form.
const short RemoveFilterAndSort = 18;
removes all filter and sort criterions put on the form.

Note that this does not apply to criterios which are part of the form's data source. That is, if you bind the form to the SQL command SELECT * FROM Articles WHERE Price > 100, then the Price > 100 filter will not be removed.

Effectively, this operation resets the ::com::sun::star::sdb::RowSet::Filter and ::com::sun::star::sdb::RowSet::Order properties of the form.

const short RefreshCurrentControl = 19;
refreshs the current control

Basically, this means calling XRefreshable::refresh on the current control, if it supports this interface.

OOo 3.1
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