:: com :: sun :: star :: form :: component ::

service DatabaseTextField
This service specifies a text field which is data-aware, and can be bound to a database field.

Included Services - Summary
(referenced entity's summary:)
specifies a component which allows the input of text, either single- or multi-line.
(referenced entity's summary:)
is an abstract service for specialized ::com::sun::star::form::FormControlModels which are data aware and thus can be bound to a data source.
Properties' Summary
determines if an empty text should be treated as a NULL value.  
Included Services - Details
(referenced entity's summary:)
specifies a component which allows the input of text, either single- or multi-line.
(referenced entity's summary:)
is an abstract service for specialized ::com::sun::star::form::FormControlModels which are data aware and thus can be bound to a data source.
Properties' Details
boolean ConvertEmptyToNull;
determines if an empty text should be treated as a NULL value.

When the user enters text into a text field, and after this, the control content is to be committed into the database field the control is bound to, a decision must be made how to deal with empty strings.
This is controlled by this property.

If the property is set to true, and an empty text is to be commited, this is converted into NULL, else it is written as empty string.

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