:: com :: sun :: star :: form :: binding ::

unpublished service BindableDatabaseComboBox
Usage Restrictions
not published
This service specifies a model of a combo box (a list box combined with a text input field) which is data-aware and thus can be bound to a database field, and additionally supports binding to arbitrary external values.

If an ValueBinding instance is set at the field, it will exchange it's text with the binding as string, thus only bindings supporting string exchange will be accepted in XValueBinding::setValueBinding.

See also
XValueBinding::supportsType, ::com::sun::star::awt::UnoControlComboBoxModel::Text

Included Services - Summary
(referenced entity's summary:)
This service specifies a combo box which is data-aware, and can be bound to a database field.

specifies the interaction between an internal binding to a database column, and an external value binding.

Included Services - Details
(referenced entity's summary:)
This service specifies a combo box which is data-aware, and can be bound to a database field.
specifies the interaction between an internal binding to a database column, and an external value binding.

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