:: com :: sun :: star :: drawing :: framework ::

unpublished service ResourceId
Supported Interface
Usage Restrictions
not published
The ResourceId service provides several constructors for resource ids.

They mainly differe in how the anchor is specified.

Constructors' Summary
createEmpty Create an empty resource id. It does not specify a specific resource but describes the absence of one.  
create Create a resource id that has no anchor.  
createWithAnchor Create a resource id for an anchor that is given as XResourceId object. This is the mose general of the constructor variants.  
createWithAnchorURL Create a resource id for a resource that is bound to an anchor that can be specified by a single URL.  
Constructors' Details

Create an empty resource id. It does not specify a specific resource but describes the absence of one.
create( [in] string  sResourceURL );

Create a resource id that has no anchor.

This constructor can be used to create resource ids for panes.

createWithAnchor( [in] string  sResourceURL,
[in] XResourceId  xAnchor );

Create a resource id for an anchor that is given as XResourceId object. This is the mose general of the constructor variants.
createWithAnchorURL( [in] string  sResourceURL,
[in] string  sAnchorURL );

Create a resource id for a resource that is bound to an anchor that can be specified by a single URL.

This constructor can be used to create resources ids for views where the anchor is a pane.

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