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service StockDiagram
specifies a diagram which can be used for presenting stock quotes.

Note that the data must have a specific structure for stock diagrams. Let us assume that data is interpreted, such that series are taken from columns (see property Diagram::DataRowSource). Then you need tables of the following structures for different types:

Volume is false
UpDown is false

Volume is true
UpDown is false

Volume is false
UpDown is true

Volume is true
UpDown is true

Developers Guide
Charts - Stock Charts

Included Services - Summary
(referenced entity's summary:)
offers statistical properties for the data in the chart. It is available for a single data row and for the whole diagram.
(referenced entity's summary:)
the base service for the diagram of the chart document.
(referenced entity's summary:)
has to be supported by charts providing the cpabilities of a horizontal axis, i.e., an x-axis.
(referenced entity's summary:)
a helper service for chart documents which supply primary and secondary y-axes.
Exported Interfaces - Summary
(referenced entity's summary:)
gives access to statistical elements for the chart.
Properties' Summary
indicates if a stock chart contains data representing the volume of stocks.  
indicates if a stock chart contains data representing the value of stocks on the opening and closing date.  
Included Services - Details
(referenced entity's summary:)
offers statistical properties for the data in the chart. It is available for a single data row and for the whole diagram.
(referenced entity's summary:)
the base service for the diagram of the chart document.
(referenced entity's summary:)
has to be supported by charts providing the cpabilities of a horizontal axis, i.e., an x-axis.
(referenced entity's summary:)
a helper service for chart documents which supply primary and secondary y-axes.
Exported Interfaces - Details
(referenced entity's summary:)
gives access to statistical elements for the chart.
Properties' Details
boolean Volume;
indicates if a stock chart contains data representing the volume of stocks.

The values of the volume are represented as columns like those of a BarDiagram.

If this property is set to true, the values of the first series of the chart data are interpreted as volume.

boolean UpDown;
indicates if a stock chart contains data representing the value of stocks on the opening and closing date.

The difference will be indicated by bars. The color of the bar will be significant for positive or negative differences between open and closed data.

If this property is false, the values of the first series (or second if StockDiagram::Volume is true) of the chart data are interpreted as the day's lowest value. The next series is interpreted as the day's highest value, and the last series is interpreted as the closing value.

If this property is set to true, one additional series is needed with the opening value of the stocks. It is assumed as the series before the series with the day's lowest value.

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