:: com :: sun :: star :: chart ::

service ChartArea
Specifies the area elements of a chart, e.g. the background area, the diagram wall, and the diagram floor of three-dimensional charts.

Included Services - Summary
(referenced entity's summary:)
This is a set of properties to describe the style for rendering an area.
(referenced entity's summary:)
This is a set of properties to describe the style for rendering a Line.

If the ChartArea may be stored as XML element, this service should be supported in order to preserve unparsed XML attributes. (details)

Exported Interfaces - Summary
(referenced entity's summary:)
provides information about and access to the properties from an implementation.
Included Services - Details
(referenced entity's summary:)
This is a set of properties to describe the style for rendering an area.
(referenced entity's summary:)
This is a set of properties to describe the style for rendering a Line.
Usage Restrictions
If the ChartArea may be stored as XML element, this service should be supported in order to preserve unparsed XML attributes.
OOo 1.1.2
Exported Interfaces - Details
(referenced entity's summary:)
provides information about and access to the properties from an implementation.

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