:: com :: sun :: star :: bridge ::

service UrpBridge
Concrete service of the meta service Bridge for the urp protocol.

This bridge works with the urp protocol.

See also

Exported Interfaces - Summary

This interface allows to initialize the bridge service with the necessary arguments. The sequence<any> must have 4 members. (details)


The main interface of the service.


allows to terminate the interprocess bridge.

Exported Interfaces - Details
This interface allows to initialize the bridge service with the necessary arguments. The sequence<any> must have 4 members.
  1. String: The unique name of the bridge or an empty string
  2. String: urp
  3. XConnection: The bidirectional connection, the bridge should work on
  4. XInstanceProvider: The instance provider, that shall be called to access the initial object.
The main interface of the service.
allows to terminate the interprocess bridge.

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