:: com :: sun :: star :: awt :: tree ::

interface XTreeEditListener
Base Interfaces
┗ ::com::sun::star::lang::XEventListener

(referenced interface's summary:)
base interface for all event listeners interfaces.
You can implement this interface and register with addTreeEditListener to get notifcaitons when editing of a node starts and ends.

You have to set the TreeControlModel::Editable property to true before a tree supports editing.

Methods' Summary
nodeEditing This method is called from the TreeControl implementation when editing of Node is requested by calling XTreeControl::startEditingAtNode().  
nodeEdited This method is called from the TreeControl implementation when editing of Node is finished and was not canceled.  
Methods' Details
nodeEditing( [in] XTreeNode  Node )
raises( ::com::sun::star::util::VetoException );

This method is called from the TreeControl implementation when editing of Node is requested by calling XTreeControl::startEditingAtNode().
Parameter Node
the XTreeNode for that an edit request was fired by calling startEditingAtNode
VetoException if thrown the editing will not start.
nodeEdited( [in] XTreeNode  Node,
[in] string  NewText );

This method is called from the TreeControl implementation when editing of Node is finished and was not canceled.

Implementations that register a XTreeEditListener must update the display value at the Node.

Parameter Node
the XTreeNode for that an edit request was fired by calling startEditingAtNode
Parameter NewText
the text that was entered by the user.
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