Uninstalling NPanday

To remove the NPanday .NET Build Tool, follow these steps:

  1. Run the uninstaller from the Control Panel's Add/Remove programs dialog if you used the MSI to install NPanday.
  2. Clear the cache by typing the following in a command shell:

    %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\Bin\mscorcfg.msc

    other possible locations for mscorcfg.msc



    %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0\Bin\mscorcfg.msc

  3. Go to My Computer > AssemblyCache, click View List. Delete the following two files:
    • Npanday.Model.Pom
    • NPanday.Plugin
  4. Delete the following directories:
    • C:\Documents and Settings\[user_home]\.m2\pab
    • C:\Documents and Settings\[user_home]\.m2\uac
  5. Remove the following file C:\Documents and Settings\[user_home]\.m2\npanday-settings.xml
  6. Remove the following file C:\Documents and Settings\[user_home]\.m2\repository\npanday.artifacts.resolved

An alternative to step 3 is to run the following commands from the command prompt as an administrator:

gacutil /u NPanday.Model.Pom
gacutil /u NPanday.Plugin

Uninstalling without the Installer

If you didn't use the installer package to install NPanday, you should still perform step 2 onwards above, and then the following additional steps:

  1. Locate and delete your previous version of the NPanday .NET Build Tool for Visual Studio. It is typically found at the following location, where [user_home] is your home directory:

    C:\Documents and Settings\[user_home]\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Addins\NPanday.VisualStudio.AddIn

  2. Remove the C:\Documents and Settings\[user_home]\.m2\repository\npanday directory