Package org.apache.maven.dotnet.executable

Interface Summary
CapabilityMatcher Provides factory services for creating capabilities (based on user-defined requirements) for compilers and executables.
CommandCapability Provides information about what commands the compiler can and cannot accept.
CommandExecutor Provides services for executing commands (executables or compilers).
CommandFilter Provides services for filtering command options.
ExecutableCapability Provides information about the capability of a specific executable or compiler plugin.
ExecutableConfig User-defined configuration information for an executable or compiler.
ExecutableContext Provides services for executables.
ExecutableMatchPolicy Provides a way for a developer to implement custom match policies for executables.
ExecutableRequirement Requirements that the executable plugin must satisfy to be used in the build.
NetExecutable Provides services for executing programs.
NetExecutableFactory Provides services to obtain executables.
RepositoryExecutableContext Provides services for obtaining the executable for a context.

Class Summary
CommandCapability.Factory Provides factory services for creating a default instance of the command capability.
CommandExecutor.Factory Provides factory services for creating a default instance of the command executor.
CommandFilter.Factory Provides factory methods for creating command filters.
ExecutableCapability.Factory Provides factory services for creating a default instance of the executable capability.
ExecutableRequirement.Factory Provides factory services for creating a default instance of the executable requirement.

Exception Summary
ExecutionException Exception thrown for compiler errors.

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