Package org.apache.maven.dotnet.artifact

Provides interfaces and classes for resolving and installing artifacts.


Interface Summary
ApplicationConfig Provides information about the location of a .NET executable artifact's exe.config file.
ArtifactContext Provides services for obtaining artifact information and dependencies.
ArtifactInstaller Provides services for installing artifacts.
ArtifactMatchPolicy Provides a way for a developer to implement custom match policies for an artifact.
AssemblyResolver Provides services for resolving .NET assembly artifacts.
NetDependenciesRepository Provides methods for loading and reading the net dependency config file.
NetDependencyMatchPolicy Provides a way for a developer to implement custom match policies for a net dependency.

Class Summary
ApplicationConfig.Factory Factory class for generating default executable configs.

Exception Summary
ArtifactException Thrown to indicate an artifact exception.

Package org.apache.maven.dotnet.artifact Description

Provides interfaces and classes for resolving and installing artifacts. The core interface of this package is ArtifactContext, which provides the methods for handling artifacts and for providing a properly constructed installer.

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