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lcn_segment.h File Reference

Routines for manipulating a segment of a lucene index. More...

#include "lcn_types.h"
#include "lcn_directory.h"
#include "lcn_term.h"
#include "lcn_document.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


typedef lcn_segment_t lcn_segment_t
 An opaque structure representing a segment of a lucene index.


lcn_error_tlcn_segment_open (lcn_segment_t **segment, const lcn_char_t *segname, apr_uint32_t size, apr_uint32_t offset, const lcn_directory_t *d, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Open the segment segname, of size size containing documents starting at offset, within directory d and return it in segment, allocated from pool.
const lcn_char_tlcn_segment_name (const lcn_segment_t *segment)
 Return the name of segment.
apr_uint32_t lcn_segment_size (const lcn_segment_t *segment)
 Return the size (in documents) of segment.
const lcn_directory_tlcn_segment_directory (const lcn_segment_t *segment)
 Return the directory segment is in.
lcn_error_tlcn_segment_term_docs (apr_uint32_t *doc_freq, apr_uint32_t **docs, apr_uint32_t **freqs, lcn_segment_t *segment, const lcn_term_t *term, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Return the document frquency doc_freq, document numbers docs, and the frequencies freqs of the documents within segment that contain term, using pool for allocation.
lcn_error_tlcn_segment_get_document (lcn_document_t **doc, lcn_segment_t *segment, apr_uint32_t docnum, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Return the document doc from segment that has the number docnum, allocated within pool.

Detailed Description

Routines for manipulating a segment of a lucene index.

Definition in file lcn_segment.h.

Generated on Sat Mar 26 08:12:11 2005 for Lucene4c by  doxygen 1.4.0