Users and Groups Configuration

By clicking on the "Users" button in the top menu, you will have a new "Users" window.

You can delete an user directly in this window.

You can also add a new user by clicking on the "Add User" button. You can also edit an existing user by clicking directly on the user ID.

NB: if you use LDAP for user authentication, the valid (identified) users are automatically created.

You can define for an user:

  • the user ID used for the logon process
  • an user name
  • an user e-mail
  • a password with its confirmed form

    The "admin" user is a special admin that you can't remove. However, we advice to change the "admin" password.

    The users are grouped by "groups". A group is the element that define the permission on the environment (see the "Environments Security" section).

    By default, there is one group: "admin". It's a special group that you can't remove. However, you can assign new users in this group.

    By clicking on the "Groups" button in the top menu, you will have a new "Groups" window.

    You can delete a grou directly in this window.

    You can also add a new group by clicking on the "Add Group" button. You can also edit an existing group by clicking directly on the group ID.

    For a group, you define:

  • a group ID
  • a group name
  • a set of user in this group (members) using the "two-sides" panel and the "join/leave" buttons