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ignite::cache::query::QueryCursor< K, V > Class Template Reference

Query cursor class template. More...

#include <query_cursor.h>

Public Member Functions

 QueryCursor ()
 Default constructor. More...
 QueryCursor (impl::cache::query::QueryCursorImpl *impl)
 Constructor. More...
bool HasNext ()
 Check whether next entry exists. More...
bool HasNext (IgniteError &err)
 Check whether next entry exists. More...
CacheEntry< K, V > GetNext ()
 Get next entry. More...
CacheEntry< K, V > GetNext (IgniteError &err)
 Get next entry. More...
void GetAll (std::vector< CacheEntry< K, V > > &res)
 Get all entries. More...
void GetAll (std::vector< CacheEntry< K, V > > &res, IgniteError &err)
 Get all entries. More...
template<typename OutIter >
void GetAll (OutIter iter)
 Get all entries. More...
bool IsValid () const
 Check if the instance is valid. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename K, typename V>
class ignite::cache::query::QueryCursor< K, V >

Query cursor class template.

Both key and value types should be default-constructable, copy-constructable and assignable. Also BinaryType class template should be specialized for both types.

This class implemented as a reference to an implementation so copying of this class instance will only create another reference to the same underlying object. Underlying object released automatically once all the instances are destructed.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename K, typename V>
ignite::cache::query::QueryCursor< K, V >::QueryCursor ( )

Default constructor.

Constructed instance is not valid and thus can not be used as a cursor.

template<typename K, typename V>
ignite::cache::query::QueryCursor< K, V >::QueryCursor ( impl::cache::query::QueryCursorImpl *  impl)


Internal method. Should not be used by user.


Member Function Documentation

template<typename K, typename V>
void ignite::cache::query::QueryCursor< K, V >::GetAll ( std::vector< CacheEntry< K, V > > &  res)

Get all entries.

This method should only be used on the valid instance.

resVector where query entries will be stored.
IgniteErrorclass instance in case of failure.
template<typename K, typename V>
void ignite::cache::query::QueryCursor< K, V >::GetAll ( std::vector< CacheEntry< K, V > > &  res,
IgniteError err 

Get all entries.

Properly sets error param in case of failure.

This method should only be used on the valid instance.

resVector where query entries will be stored.
errUsed to set operation result.
template<typename K, typename V>
template<typename OutIter >
void ignite::cache::query::QueryCursor< K, V >::GetAll ( OutIter  iter)

Get all entries.

This method should only be used on the valid instance.

iterOutput iterator.
template<typename K, typename V>
CacheEntry<K, V> ignite::cache::query::QueryCursor< K, V >::GetNext ( )

Get next entry.

This method should only be used on the valid instance.

Next entry.
IgniteErrorclass instance in case of failure.
template<typename K, typename V>
CacheEntry<K, V> ignite::cache::query::QueryCursor< K, V >::GetNext ( IgniteError err)

Get next entry.

Properly sets error param in case of failure.

This method should only be used on the valid instance.

errUsed to set operation result.
Next entry on success and default-constructed entry on failure. Default-constructed entry contains default-constructed instances of both key and value types.
template<typename K, typename V>
bool ignite::cache::query::QueryCursor< K, V >::HasNext ( )

Check whether next entry exists.

This method should only be used on the valid instance.

True if next entry exists.
IgniteErrorclass instance in case of failure.
template<typename K, typename V>
bool ignite::cache::query::QueryCursor< K, V >::HasNext ( IgniteError err)

Check whether next entry exists.

Properly sets error param in case of failure.

This method should only be used on the valid instance.

errUsed to set operation result.
True if next entry exists and operation resulted in success. Returns false on failure.
template<typename K, typename V>
bool ignite::cache::query::QueryCursor< K, V >::IsValid ( ) const

Check if the instance is valid.

Invalid instance can be returned if some of the previous operations have resulted in a failure. For example invalid instance can be returned by not-throwing version of method in case of error. Invalid instances also often can be created using default constructor.

True if the instance is valid and can be used.

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