Apache Ignite.NET
Package Apache.Ignite.Core.Binary

Ignite Binary Objects API classes. More...


class  BinaryBasicNameMapper
 Base binary name mapper implementation. More...
class  BinaryConfiguration
 Binary type configuration. More...
class  BinaryObjectException
 Indicates an error during binarization. More...
class  BinaryReflectiveSerializer
 Binary serializer which reflectively writes all fields except of ones with System.NonSerializedAttribute. More...
class  BinaryTypeConfiguration
 Binary type configuration. More...
class  BinaryTypeNames
 Binary type name constants. More...
interface  IBinarizable
 Interface to implement custom serialization logic. More...
interface  IBinary
 Defines binary objects functionality. With binary objects you are able to:

  • Seamlessly interoperate between Java, .NET, and C++.
  • Make any object binary with zero code change to your existing code.
  • Nest binary objects within each other.
  • Automatically handle circular or null references.
  • Automatically convert collections and maps between Java, .NET, and C++.
  • Optionally avoid deserialization of objects on the server side.
  • Avoid need to have concrete class definitions on the server side.
  • Dynamically change structure of the classes without having to restart the cluster.
  • Index into binary objects for querying purposes.
interface  IBinaryIdMapper
 Maps class name and class field names to integer identifiers. More...
interface  IBinaryNameMapper
 Maps type and field names to different names. More...
interface  IBinaryObject
 Wrapper for serialized objects. More...
interface  IBinaryObjectBuilder
 binary object builder. Provides ability to build binary objects dynamically without having class definitions. More...
interface  IBinaryRawReader
 Raw reader for binary objects. More...
interface  IBinaryRawWriter
 Raw writer for binary objects. More...
interface  IBinaryReader
 Reader for binary objects. More...
interface  IBinarySerializer
 Binary serializer. More...
interface  IBinaryType
 Binary type metadata. More...
interface  IBinaryWriter
 Writer for binary objects. More...
class  TimestampAttribute
 Instructs the serializer to write DateTime fields and properties in Timestamp format, which is interoperable with other platforms and works in SQL, but does not allow non-UTC values. More...

Detailed Description