Apache Ignite.NET
Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents Interface Reference

Provides functionality for event notifications on nodes defined by ClusterGroup. All members are thread-safe and may be used concurrently from multiple threads. More...

Public Member Functions

ICollection< T > RemoteQuery< T > (IEventFilter< T > filter, TimeSpan?timeout=null, params int[] types)
 Queries nodes in this cluster group for events using passed in predicate filter for event selection. More...
Task< ICollection< T > > RemoteQueryAsync< T > (IEventFilter< T > filter, TimeSpan?timeout=null, params int[] types)
 Queries nodes in this cluster group for events using passed in predicate filter for event selection. More...
ICollection< T > RemoteQuery< T > (IEventFilter< T > filter, TimeSpan?timeout=null, IEnumerable< int > types=null)
 Queries nodes in this cluster group for events using passed in predicate filter for event selection. More...
Task< ICollection< T > > RemoteQueryAsync< T > (IEventFilter< T > filter, TimeSpan?timeout=null, IEnumerable< int > types=null)
 Queries nodes in this cluster group for events using passed in predicate filter for event selection. More...
IEvent WaitForLocal (params int[] types)
 Waits for the specified events. More...
Task< IEventWaitForLocalAsync (params int[] types)
 Waits for the specified events. More...
IEvent WaitForLocal (IEnumerable< int > types)
 Waits for the specified events. More...
Task< IEventWaitForLocalAsync (IEnumerable< int > types)
 Waits for the specified events. More...
WaitForLocal< T > (IEventFilter< T > filter, params int[] types)
 Waits for the specified events. More...
Task< T > WaitForLocalAsync< T > (IEventFilter< T > filter, params int[] types)
 Waits for the specified events. More...
WaitForLocal< T > (IEventFilter< T > filter, IEnumerable< int > types)
 Waits for the specified events. More...
Task< T > WaitForLocalAsync< T > (IEventFilter< T > filter, IEnumerable< int > types)
 Waits for the specified events. More...
ICollection< IEventLocalQuery (params int[] types)
 Queries local node for events using of specified types. More...
ICollection< IEventLocalQuery (IEnumerable< int > types)
 Queries local node for events using of specified types. More...
void RecordLocal (IEvent evt)
 Records customer user generated event. All registered local listeners will be notified. NOTE: all types in range from 1 to 1000 are reserved for internal Ignite events and should not be used by user-defined events. Attempt to record internal event with this method will cause ArgumentException to be thrown. More...
void LocalListen< T > (IEventListener< T > listener, params int[] types)
 Adds an event listener for local events. Note that listener will be added regardless of whether local node is in this cluster group or not. More...
void LocalListen< T > (IEventListener< T > listener, IEnumerable< int > types)
 Adds an event listener for local events. Note that listener will be added regardless of whether local node is in this cluster group or not. More...
bool StopLocalListen< T > (IEventListener< T > listener, params int[] types)
 Removes local event listener. More...
bool StopLocalListen< T > (IEventListener< T > listener, IEnumerable< int > types)
 Removes local event listener. More...
void EnableLocal (params int[] types)
 Enables provided events. Allows to start recording events that were disabled before. Note that provided events will be enabled regardless of whether local node is in this cluster group or not. More...
void EnableLocal (IEnumerable< int > types)
 Enables provided events. Allows to start recording events that were disabled before. Note that provided events will be enabled regardless of whether local node is in this cluster group or not. More...
void DisableLocal (params int[] types)
 Disables provided events. Allows to stop recording events that were enabled before. Note that specified events will be disabled regardless of whether local node is in this cluster group or not. More...
void DisableLocal (IEnumerable< int > types)
 Disables provided events. Allows to stop recording events that were enabled before. Note that specified events will be disabled regardless of whether local node is in this cluster group or not. More...
ICollection< int > GetEnabledEvents ()
 Gets types of enabled events. More...
bool IsEnabled (int type)
 Determines whether the specified event is enabled. More...


IClusterGroup ClusterGroup [get]
 Gets the cluster group to which this instance belongs. More...

Detailed Description

Member Function Documentation

void Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.DisableLocal ( params int[]  types)
typesEvents to disable.
void Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.DisableLocal ( IEnumerable< int >  types)
typesEvents to disable.
void Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.EnableLocal ( params int[]  types)
typesEvents to enable.
void Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.EnableLocal ( IEnumerable< int >  types)
typesEvents to enable.
ICollection<int> Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.GetEnabledEvents ( )
Types of enabled events.
bool Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.IsEnabled ( int  type)
typeEvent type.
Value indicating whether the specified event is enabled.
void Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.LocalListen< T > ( IEventListener< T >  listener,
params int[]  types 
Template Parameters
TType of events.
listenerPredicate that is called on each received event. If predicate returns false, it will be unregistered and will stop receiving events.
typesEvent types for which this listener will be notified, should not be empty.
Type Constraints
T :IEvent 
void Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.LocalListen< T > ( IEventListener< T >  listener,
IEnumerable< int >  types 
Template Parameters
TType of events.
listenerPredicate that is called on each received event. If predicate returns false, it will be unregistered and will stop receiving events.
typesEvent types for which this listener will be notified, should not be empty.
Type Constraints
T :IEvent 
ICollection<IEvent> Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.LocalQuery ( params int[]  types)
typesEvent types to be queried. Optional.
Collection of Ignite events found on local node.
ICollection<IEvent> Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.LocalQuery ( IEnumerable< int >  types)
typesEvent types to be queried. Optional.
Collection of Ignite events found on local node.
void Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.RecordLocal ( IEvent  evt)
evtLocally generated event.
ArgumentExceptionIf event type is within Ignite reserved range (1 to 1000)
ICollection<T> Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.RemoteQuery< T > ( IEventFilter< T >  filter,
TimeSpan?  timeout = null,
IEnumerable< int >  types = null 
Template Parameters
TType of events.
filterPredicate filter used to query events on remote nodes.
timeoutMaximum time to wait for result, null or 0 to wait forever.
typesEvent types to be queried.
Collection of Ignite events returned from specified nodes.
Type Constraints
T :IEvent 
ICollection<T> Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.RemoteQuery< T > ( IEventFilter< T >  filter,
TimeSpan?  timeout = null,
params int[]  types 
Template Parameters
TType of events.
filterPredicate filter used to query events on remote nodes.
timeoutMaximum time to wait for result, null or 0 to wait forever.
typesEvent types to be queried.
Collection of Ignite events returned from specified nodes.
Type Constraints
T :IEvent 
Task<ICollection<T> > Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.RemoteQueryAsync< T > ( IEventFilter< T >  filter,
TimeSpan?  timeout = null,
params int[]  types 
Template Parameters
TType of events.
filterPredicate filter used to query events on remote nodes.
timeoutMaximum time to wait for result, null or 0 to wait forever.
typesEvent types to be queried.
Collection of Ignite events returned from specified nodes.
Type Constraints
T :IEvent 
Task<ICollection<T> > Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.RemoteQueryAsync< T > ( IEventFilter< T >  filter,
TimeSpan?  timeout = null,
IEnumerable< int >  types = null 
Template Parameters
TType of events.
filterPredicate filter used to query events on remote nodes.
timeoutMaximum time to wait for result, null or 0 to wait forever.
typesEvent types to be queried.
Collection of Ignite events returned from specified nodes.
Type Constraints
T :IEvent 
bool Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.StopLocalListen< T > ( IEventListener< T >  listener,
params int[]  types 
Template Parameters
TType of events.
listenerLocal event listener to remove.
typesTypes of events for which to remove listener. If not specified, then listener will be removed for all types it was registered for.
True if listener was removed, false otherwise.
Type Constraints
T :IEvent 
bool Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.StopLocalListen< T > ( IEventListener< T >  listener,
IEnumerable< int >  types 
Template Parameters
TType of events.
listenerLocal event listener to remove.
typesTypes of events for which to remove listener. If not specified, then listener will be removed for all types it was registered for.
True if listener was removed, false otherwise.
Type Constraints
T :IEvent 
IEvent Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.WaitForLocal ( params int[]  types)
typesTypes of the events to wait for. If not provided, all events will be passed to the filter.
Ignite event.
IEvent Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.WaitForLocal ( IEnumerable< int >  types)
typesTypes of the events to wait for. If not provided, all events will be passed to the filter.
Ignite event.
T Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.WaitForLocal< T > ( IEventFilter< T >  filter,
params int[]  types 
Template Parameters
TType of events.
filterOptional filtering predicate. Event wait will end as soon as it returns false.
typesTypes of the events to wait for. If not provided, all events will be passed to the filter.
Ignite event.
Type Constraints
T :IEvent 
T Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.WaitForLocal< T > ( IEventFilter< T >  filter,
IEnumerable< int >  types 
Template Parameters
TType of events.
filterOptional filtering predicate. Event wait will end as soon as it returns false.
typesTypes of the events to wait for. If not provided, all events will be passed to the filter.
Ignite event.
Type Constraints
T :IEvent 
Task<IEvent> Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.WaitForLocalAsync ( params int[]  types)
typesTypes of the events to wait for. If not provided, all events will be passed to the filter.
Ignite event.
Task<IEvent> Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.WaitForLocalAsync ( IEnumerable< int >  types)
typesTypes of the events to wait for. If not provided, all events will be passed to the filter.
Ignite event.
Task<T> Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.WaitForLocalAsync< T > ( IEventFilter< T >  filter,
params int[]  types 
Template Parameters
TType of events.
filterOptional filtering predicate. Event wait will end as soon as it returns false.
typesTypes of the events to wait for. If not provided, all events will be passed to the filter.
Ignite event.
Type Constraints
T :IEvent 
Task<T> Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.WaitForLocalAsync< T > ( IEventFilter< T >  filter,
IEnumerable< int >  types 
Template Parameters
TType of events.
filterOptional filtering predicate. Event wait will end as soon as it returns false.
typesTypes of the events to wait for. If not provided, all events will be passed to the filter.
Ignite event.
Type Constraints
T :IEvent 

Property Documentation

IClusterGroup Apache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEvents.ClusterGroup