Apache Ignite.NET
Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Query.SqlFieldsQuery Class Reference

SQL fields query. More...

Public Member Functions

 SqlFieldsQuery (string sql, params object[] args)
 Constructor. More...
 SqlFieldsQuery (string sql, bool loc, params object[] args)
 Constructor, More...
override string ToString ()
 Returns a string that represents this instance. More...

Public Attributes

const int DefaultPageSize = 1024
 Default page size. More...


string Sql [get, set]
 SQL. More...
object[] Arguments [get, set]
 Arguments. More...
bool Local [get, set]
 Local flag. When set query will be executed only on local node, so only local entries will be returned as query result. More...
int PageSize [get, set]
 Optional page size. More...
bool EnableDistributedJoins [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether distributed joins should be enabled for this query. More...
bool EnforceJoinOrder [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether join order of tables should be enforced. More...
TimeSpan Timeout [get, set]
 Gets or sets the query timeout. Query will be automatically cancelled if the execution timeout is exceeded. Default is TimeSpan.Zero, which means no timeout. More...
bool ReplicatedOnly [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this query contains only replicated tables. This is a hint for potentially more effective execution. More...
bool Colocated [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this query operates on colocated data. More...
string Schema [get, set]
 Gets or sets the default schema name for the query. More...

Detailed Description

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Query.SqlFieldsQuery.SqlFieldsQuery ( string  sql,
params object[]  args 
Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Query.SqlFieldsQuery.SqlFieldsQuery ( string  sql,
bool  loc,
params object[]  args 
locWhether query should be executed locally.

Member Function Documentation

override string Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Query.SqlFieldsQuery.ToString ( )
A string that represents this instance.

Member Data Documentation

const int Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Query.SqlFieldsQuery.DefaultPageSize = 1024

Property Documentation

object [] Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Query.SqlFieldsQuery.Arguments
bool Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Query.SqlFieldsQuery.Colocated

Whenever Ignite executes a distributed query, it sends sub-queries to individual cluster members. If you know in advance that the elements of your query selection are colocated together on the same node and you group by colocated key (primary or affinity key), then Ignite can make significant performance and network optimizations by grouping data on remote nodes.

bool Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Query.SqlFieldsQuery.EnableDistributedJoins

When disabled, join results will only contain colocated data (joins work locally). When enabled, joins work as expected, no matter how the data is distributed.

true if enable distributed joins should be enabled; otherwise, false.

bool Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Query.SqlFieldsQuery.EnforceJoinOrder

When true, query optimizer will not reorder tables in join.

It is not recommended to enable this property until you are sure that your indexes and the query itself are correct and tuned as much as possible but query optimizer still produces wrong join order.

true if join order should be enforced; otherwise, false.

bool Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Query.SqlFieldsQuery.Local

Defaults to false.

int Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Query.SqlFieldsQuery.PageSize

Defaults to DefaultPageSize.

bool Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Query.SqlFieldsQuery.ReplicatedOnly
string Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Query.SqlFieldsQuery.Schema

If not set, current cache name is used, which means you can omit schema name for tables within the current cache.

string Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Query.SqlFieldsQuery.Sql
TimeSpan Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Query.SqlFieldsQuery.Timeout