Apache Ignite.NET
Apache.Ignite.Core.Services.IService Interface Reference

Represents Ignite-managed service. More...

Public Member Functions

void Init (IServiceContext context)
 Initializes this instance before execution. More...
void Execute (IServiceContext context)
 Starts execution of this service. This method is automatically invoked whenever an instance of the service is deployed on a Ignite node. Note that service is considered deployed even after it exits the Execute method and can be cancelled (or undeployed) only by calling any of the Cancel methods on IServices API. Also note that service is not required to exit from Execute method until Cancel method was called. More...
void Cancel (IServiceContext context)
 Cancels this instance. Note that Ignite cannot guarantee that the service exits from IService.Execute method whenever IService.Cancel is called. It is up to the user to make sure that the service code properly reacts to cancellations. More...

Detailed Description

Member Function Documentation

void Apache.Ignite.Core.Services.IService.Cancel ( IServiceContext  context)
contextService execution context.
void Apache.Ignite.Core.Services.IService.Execute ( IServiceContext  context)
contextService execution context.
void Apache.Ignite.Core.Services.IService.Init ( IServiceContext  context)
contextService execution context.