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Apache.Ignite.Core.Log.ILogger Interface Reference

Defines Ignite logging interface. More...

Inheritance diagram for Apache.Ignite.Core.Log.ILogger:

Public Member Functions

void Log (LogLevel level, string message, object[] args, IFormatProvider formatProvider, string category, string nativeErrorInfo, Exception ex)
 Logs the specified message. More...
bool IsEnabled (LogLevel level)
 Determines whether the specified log level is enabled. More...

Detailed Description

This interface only provides essential log methods. All convenience overloads are in LoggerExtensions.

Member Function Documentation

bool Apache.Ignite.Core.Log.ILogger.IsEnabled ( LogLevel  level)
levelThe level.
Value indicating whether the specified log level is enabled

Implemented in Apache.Ignite.Core.Log.CategoryLogger.

void Apache.Ignite.Core.Log.ILogger.Log ( LogLevel  level,
string  message,
object[]  args,
IFormatProvider  formatProvider,
string  category,
string  nativeErrorInfo,
Exception  ex 
levelThe level.
messageThe message.
argsThe arguments to format message . Can be null (formatting will not occur).
formatProviderThe format provider. Can be null if args is null.
categoryThe logging category name.
nativeErrorInfoThe native error information.
exThe exception. Can be null.

Implemented in Apache.Ignite.Core.Log.CategoryLogger.