Apache Ignite.NET
Apache.Ignite.AspNet.IgniteSessionStateStoreProvider Class Reference

ASP.NET Session-State Store Provider that uses Ignite distributed cache as an underlying storage. More...

Inheritance diagram for Apache.Ignite.AspNet.IgniteSessionStateStoreProvider:

Public Member Functions

override void Initialize (string name, NameValueCollection config)
 Initializes the provider. More...
override void Dispose ()
 Releases all resources used by the T:System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateStoreProviderBase implementation. More...
override bool SetItemExpireCallback (SessionStateItemExpireCallback expireCallback)
 Sets a reference to the T:System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateItemExpireCallback delegate for the Session_OnEnd event defined in the Global.asax file. More...
override void InitializeRequest (HttpContext context)
 Called by the T:System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule object for per-request initialization. More...
override SessionStateStoreData GetItem (HttpContext context, string id, out bool locked, out TimeSpan lockAge, out object lockId, out SessionStateActions actions)
 Returns read-only session-state data from the session data store. More...
override SessionStateStoreData GetItemExclusive (HttpContext context, string id, out bool locked, out TimeSpan lockAge, out object lockId, out SessionStateActions actions)
 Returns read-only session-state data from the session data store. More...
override void ReleaseItemExclusive (HttpContext context, string id, object lockId)
 Releases a lock on an item in the session data store. More...
override void SetAndReleaseItemExclusive (HttpContext context, string id, SessionStateStoreData item, object lockId, bool newItem)
 Updates the session-item information in the session-state data store with values from the current request, and clears the lock on the data. More...
override void RemoveItem (HttpContext context, string id, object lockId, SessionStateStoreData item)
 Deletes item data from the session data store. More...
override void ResetItemTimeout (HttpContext context, string id)
 Updates the expiration date and time of an item in the session data store. More...
override SessionStateStoreData CreateNewStoreData (HttpContext context, int timeout)
 Creates a new T:System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateStoreData object to be used for the current request. More...
override void CreateUninitializedItem (HttpContext context, string id, int timeout)
 Adds a new session-state item to the data store. More...
override void EndRequest (HttpContext context)
 Called by the T:System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule object at the end of a request. More...

Public Attributes

const string DefaultCacheName = "ASPNET_SESSION_STATE"
 The default cache name to be used when cacheName attribute is not specified. More...

Detailed Description

You can either start Ignite yourself, and provide gridName attribute, or provide igniteConfigurationSectionName attribute to start Ignite automatically from specified configuration section (see IgniteConfigurationSection) using igniteConfigurationSectionName.

cacheName attribute specifies Ignite cache name to use for data storage. This attribute can be omitted if cache name is null.

Optional applicationId attribute allows sharing a single Ignite cache between multiple web applications.

Member Function Documentation

override SessionStateStoreData Apache.Ignite.AspNet.IgniteSessionStateStoreProvider.CreateNewStoreData ( HttpContext  context,
int  timeout 
contextThe T:System.Web.HttpContext for the current request.
timeoutThe session-state P:System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState.Timeout value for the new T:System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateStoreData, in minutes.
A new T:System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateStoreData for the current request.
override void Apache.Ignite.AspNet.IgniteSessionStateStoreProvider.CreateUninitializedItem ( HttpContext  context,
string  id,
int  timeout 
contextThe T:System.Web.HttpContext for the current request.
idThe P:System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState.SessionID for the current request.
timeoutThe session P:System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState.Timeout for the current request, in minutes.
override void Apache.Ignite.AspNet.IgniteSessionStateStoreProvider.Dispose ( )
override void Apache.Ignite.AspNet.IgniteSessionStateStoreProvider.EndRequest ( HttpContext  context)
contextThe T:System.Web.HttpContext for the current request.
override SessionStateStoreData Apache.Ignite.AspNet.IgniteSessionStateStoreProvider.GetItem ( HttpContext  context,
string  id,
out bool  locked,
out TimeSpan  lockAge,
out object  lockId,
out SessionStateActions  actions 
contextThe T:System.Web.HttpContext for the current request.
idThe P:System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState.SessionID for the current request.
lockedWhen this method returns, contains a Boolean value that is set to true if the requested session item is locked at the session data store; otherwise, false.
lockAgeWhen this method returns, contains a T:System.TimeSpan object that is set to the amount of time that an item in the session data store has been locked.
lockIdWhen this method returns, contains an object that is set to the lock identifier for the current request. For details on the lock identifier, see "Locking Session-Store Data" in the T:System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateStoreProviderBase class summary.
actionsWhen this method returns, contains one of the T:System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateActions values, indicating whether the current session is an uninitialized, cookieless session.
A T:System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateStoreData populated with session values and information from the session data store.
override SessionStateStoreData Apache.Ignite.AspNet.IgniteSessionStateStoreProvider.GetItemExclusive ( HttpContext  context,
string  id,
out bool  locked,
out TimeSpan  lockAge,
out object  lockId,
out SessionStateActions  actions 
contextThe T:System.Web.HttpContext for the current request.
idThe P:System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState.SessionID for the current request.
lockedWhen this method returns, contains a Boolean value that is set to true if a lock is successfully obtained; otherwise, false.
lockAgeWhen this method returns, contains a T:System.TimeSpan object that is set to the amount of time that an item in the session data store has been locked.
lockIdWhen this method returns, contains an object that is set to the lock identifier for the current request. For details on the lock identifier, see "Locking Session-Store Data" in the T:System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateStoreProviderBase class summary.
actionsWhen this method returns, contains one of the T:System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateActions values, indicating whether the current session is an uninitialized, cookieless session.
A T:System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateStoreData populated with session values and information from the session data store.
override void Apache.Ignite.AspNet.IgniteSessionStateStoreProvider.Initialize ( string  name,
NameValueCollection  config 
nameThe friendly name of the provider.
configA collection of the name/value pairs representing the provider-specific attributes specified in the configuration for this provider.
override void Apache.Ignite.AspNet.IgniteSessionStateStoreProvider.InitializeRequest ( HttpContext  context)
contextThe T:System.Web.HttpContext for the current request.
override void Apache.Ignite.AspNet.IgniteSessionStateStoreProvider.ReleaseItemExclusive ( HttpContext  context,
string  id,
object  lockId 
contextThe T:System.Web.HttpContext for the current request.
idThe session identifier for the current request.
lockIdThe lock identifier for the current request.
override void Apache.Ignite.AspNet.IgniteSessionStateStoreProvider.RemoveItem ( HttpContext  context,
string  id,
object  lockId,
SessionStateStoreData  item 
contextThe T:System.Web.HttpContext for the current request.
idThe session identifier for the current request.
lockIdThe lock identifier for the current request.
itemThe T:System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateStoreData that represents the item to delete from the data store.
override void Apache.Ignite.AspNet.IgniteSessionStateStoreProvider.ResetItemTimeout ( HttpContext  context,
string  id 
contextThe T:System.Web.HttpContext for the current request.
idThe session identifier for the current request.
override void Apache.Ignite.AspNet.IgniteSessionStateStoreProvider.SetAndReleaseItemExclusive ( HttpContext  context,
string  id,
SessionStateStoreData  item,
object  lockId,
bool  newItem 
contextThe T:System.Web.HttpContext for the current request.
idThe session identifier for the current request.
itemThe T:System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateStoreData object that contains the current session values to be stored.
lockIdThe lock identifier for the current request.
newItemtrue to identify the session item as a new item; false to identify the session item as an existing item.
override bool Apache.Ignite.AspNet.IgniteSessionStateStoreProvider.SetItemExpireCallback ( SessionStateItemExpireCallback  expireCallback)
expireCallbackThe T:System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateItemExpireCallback delegate for the Session_OnEnd event defined in the Global.asax file.
true if the session-state store provider supports calling the Session_OnEnd event; otherwise, false.

Member Data Documentation

const string Apache.Ignite.AspNet.IgniteSessionStateStoreProvider.DefaultCacheName = "ASPNET_SESSION_STATE"