Apache Ignite.NET
Apache.Ignite.Core.Ignition Class Reference

This class defines a factory for the main Ignite API. Use Start() method to start Ignite with default configuration. All members are thread-safe and may be used concurrently from multiple threads. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static IIgnite Start ()
 Starts Ignite with default configuration. By default this method will use Ignite configuration defined in {IGNITE_HOME}/config/default-config.xml configuration file. If such file is not found, then all system defaults will be used. More...
static IIgnite Start (string springCfgPath)
 Starts all grids specified within given Spring XML configuration file. If Ignite with given name is already started, then exception is thrown. In this case all instances that may have been started so far will be stopped too. More...
static IIgnite StartFromApplicationConfiguration ()
 Reads IgniteConfiguration from first IgniteConfigurationSection in the application configuration and starts Ignite. More...
static IIgnite StartFromApplicationConfiguration (string sectionName)
 Reads IgniteConfiguration from application configuration IgniteConfigurationSection with specified name and starts Ignite. More...
static IIgnite StartFromApplicationConfiguration (string sectionName, string configPath)
 Reads IgniteConfiguration from application configuration IgniteConfigurationSection with specified name and starts Ignite. More...
static unsafe IIgnite Start (IgniteConfiguration cfg)
 Starts Ignite with given configuration. More...
static IIgnite GetIgnite (string name)
 Gets a named Ignite instance. If Ignite name is null or empty string, then default no-name Ignite will be returned. Note that caller of this method should not assume that it will return the same instance every time. More...
static IIgnite GetIgnite ()
 Gets an instance of default no-name grid. Note that caller of this method should not assume that it will return the same instance every time. More...
static IIgnite TryGetIgnite (string name)
 Gets a named Ignite instance, or null if none found. If Ignite name is null or empty string, then default no-name Ignite will be returned. Note that caller of this method should not assume that it will return the same instance every time. Note that single process can run multiple Ignite instances and every Ignite instance (and its node) can belong to a different grid. Ignite name defines what grid a particular Ignite instance (and correspondingly its node) belongs to. More...
static IIgnite TryGetIgnite ()
 Gets an instance of default no-name grid, or null if none found. Note that caller of this method should not assume that it will return the same instance every time. More...
static bool Stop (string name, bool cancel)
 Stops named grid. If cancel flag is set to true then all jobs currently executing on local node will be interrupted. If grid name is null, then default no-name Ignite will be stopped. More...
static void StopAll (bool cancel)
 Stops all started grids. If cancel flag is set to true then all jobs currently executing on local node will be interrupted. More...


static bool ClientMode [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether Ignite should be started in client mode. Client nodes cannot hold data in caches. More...

Detailed Description

Member Function Documentation

static IIgnite Apache.Ignite.Core.Ignition.GetIgnite ( string  name)

Note that single process can run multiple Ignite instances and every Ignite instance (and its node) can belong to a different grid. Ignite name defines what grid a particular Ignite instance (and correspondingly its node) belongs to.

nameIgnite name to which requested Ignite instance belongs. If null, then Ignite instance belonging to a default no-name Ignite will be returned.
An instance of named grid.
IgniteExceptionWhen there is no Ignite instance with specified name.
static IIgnite Apache.Ignite.Core.Ignition.GetIgnite ( )
An instance of default no-name grid.
IgniteExceptionWhen there is no Ignite instance with specified name.
static IIgnite Apache.Ignite.Core.Ignition.Start ( )
Started Ignite.
static IIgnite Apache.Ignite.Core.Ignition.Start ( string  springCfgPath)
springCfgPathSpring XML configuration file path or URL. Note, that the path can be absolute or relative to IGNITE_HOME.
Started Ignite. If Spring configuration contains multiple Ignite instances, then the 1st found instance is returned.
static unsafe IIgnite Apache.Ignite.Core.Ignition.Start ( IgniteConfiguration  cfg)
Started Ignite.
static IIgnite Apache.Ignite.Core.Ignition.StartFromApplicationConfiguration ( )
Started Ignite.
static IIgnite Apache.Ignite.Core.Ignition.StartFromApplicationConfiguration ( string  sectionName)
sectionNameName of the section.
Started Ignite.
static IIgnite Apache.Ignite.Core.Ignition.StartFromApplicationConfiguration ( string  sectionName,
string  configPath 
sectionNameName of the section.
configPathPath to the configuration file.
Started Ignite.
static bool Apache.Ignite.Core.Ignition.Stop ( string  name,
bool  cancel 
nameGrid name. If null, then default no-name Ignite will be stopped.
cancelIf true then all jobs currently executing will be cancelled by calling ComputeJob.cancelmethod.
true if named Ignite instance was indeed found and stopped, false othwerwise (the instance with given name was not found).
static void Apache.Ignite.Core.Ignition.StopAll ( bool  cancel)
cancelIf true then all jobs currently executing will be cancelled by calling ComputeJob.Cancel() method.
static IIgnite Apache.Ignite.Core.Ignition.TryGetIgnite ( string  name)
nameIgnite name to which requested Ignite instance belongs. If null, then Ignite instance belonging to a default no-name Ignite will be returned.
An instance of named grid, or null.
static IIgnite Apache.Ignite.Core.Ignition.TryGetIgnite ( )
An instance of default no-name grid, or null.

Property Documentation

bool Apache.Ignite.Core.Ignition.ClientMode