Apache Ignite.NET
Package Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache

Main Data Grid APIs. More...


package  Affinity
package  Configuration
package  Event
 Cache events API.
package  Eviction
package  Expiry
 Cache expiration API.
package  Query
 APIs for creating and executing cache queries.
package  Store
 Cache store interfaces.


class  CacheAtomicUpdateTimeoutException
 Indicates atomic operation timeout. More...
class  CacheEntryProcessorException
 An exception to indicate a problem occurred attempting to execute an ICacheEntryProcessor<K, V, A, R> against an entry. More...
class  CacheException
 Indicates an error during Cache operation. More...
class  CachePartialUpdateException
 Exception thrown from non-transactional cache in case when update succeeded only partially. More...
struct  CacheResult
 Represents a cache operation result with a success flag. More...
interface  ICache
 Main entry point for Ignite cache APIs. You can get a named cache by calling IIgnite.GetCache<TK,TV> method. More...
interface  ICacheAffinity
 Provides affinity information to detect which node is primary and which nodes are backups for a partitioned cache. You can get an instance of this interface by calling IIgnite.GetAffinity method. More...
interface  ICacheEntry
 Cache entry interface. More...
interface  ICacheEntryFilter
 Cache entry predicate. More...
interface  ICacheEntryProcessor
 An invocable function that allows applications to perform compound operations on a cache entry atomically, according the defined consistency of a cache. More...
interface  ICacheEntryProcessorResult
 Represents a result of processing ICacheEntry<K, V> by ICacheEntryProcessor<K, V, A, R>. More...
interface  ICacheLock
 Cache locking interface. All members are thread-safe and may be used concurrently from multiple threads. More...
interface  ICacheMetrics
 Cache metrics used to obtain statistics on cache itself. More...
interface  IMutableCacheEntry
 Mutable representation of ICacheEntry<K, V> More...


enum  CachePeekMode {
  CachePeekMode.All = 0x01, CachePeekMode.Near = 0x02, CachePeekMode.Primary = 0x04, CachePeekMode.Backup = 0x08,
  CachePeekMode.Onheap = 0x10, CachePeekMode.Offheap = 0x20, CachePeekMode.Swap = 0x40
 Enumeration of all supported cache peek modes. More...

Detailed Description

Enumeration Type Documentation


Peeks into all available cache storages.


Peek into near cache only (don't peek into partitioned cache). In case of LOCAL cache, behaves as All mode.


Peek value from primary copy of partitioned cache only (skip near cache). In case of LOCAL cache, behaves as All mode.


Peek value from backup copies of partitioned cache only (skip near cache). In case of LOCAL cache, behaves as All mode.


Peeks value from the on-heap storage only.


Peeks value from the off-heap storage only, without loading off-heap value into cache.


Peeks value from the swap storage only, without loading swapped value into cache.