public class


extends Object
   ↳ org.apache.helix.controller.stages.ClusterDataCache

Class Overview

Reads the data from the cluster using data accessor. This output ClusterData which provides useful methods to search/lookup properties


Public Constructors
Public Methods
ClusterConstraints getConstraint(ClusterConstraints.ConstraintType type)
Returns the ClusterConstraints for a given constraintType
Map<StringCurrentState> getCurrentState(String instanceName, String clientSessionId)
Provides the current state of the node for a given session id, the sessionid can be got from LiveInstance
Set<String> getDisabledInstancesForPartition(String partition)
Some partitions might be disabled on specific nodes.
IdealState getIdealState(String resourceName)
Provides the idealstate for a given resource
Map<StringIdealState> getIdealStates()
Retrieves the idealstates for all resources
Map<StringInstanceConfig> getInstanceConfigMap()
Returns the instance config map
Map<StringLiveInstance> getLiveInstances()
Returns the LiveInstances for each of the instances that are curretnly up and running
Map<StringMessage> getMessages(String instanceName)
Provides a list of current outstanding transitions on a given instance.
int getReplicas(String resourceName)
Returns the number of replicas for a given resource.
StateModelDefinition getStateModelDef(String stateModelDefRef)
Provides the state model definition for a given state model
boolean refresh(HelixDataAccessor accessor)
This refreshes the cluster data by re-fetching the data from zookeeper in an efficient way
String toString()
toString method to print the entire cluster state
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public ClusterDataCache ()

Public Methods

public ClusterConstraints getConstraint (ClusterConstraints.ConstraintType type)

Returns the ClusterConstraints for a given constraintType

public Map<StringCurrentState> getCurrentState (String instanceName, String clientSessionId)

Provides the current state of the node for a given session id, the sessionid can be got from LiveInstance

public Set<String> getDisabledInstancesForPartition (String partition)

Some partitions might be disabled on specific nodes. This method allows one to fetch the set of nodes where a given partition is disabled

public IdealState getIdealState (String resourceName)

Provides the idealstate for a given resource

public Map<StringIdealState> getIdealStates ()

Retrieves the idealstates for all resources

public Map<StringInstanceConfig> getInstanceConfigMap ()

Returns the instance config map

public Map<StringLiveInstance> getLiveInstances ()

Returns the LiveInstances for each of the instances that are curretnly up and running

public Map<StringMessage> getMessages (String instanceName)

Provides a list of current outstanding transitions on a given instance.

public int getReplicas (String resourceName)

Returns the number of replicas for a given resource.

public StateModelDefinition getStateModelDef (String stateModelDefRef)

Provides the state model definition for a given state model

public boolean refresh (HelixDataAccessor accessor)

This refreshes the cluster data by re-fetching the data from zookeeper in an efficient way

public String toString ()

toString method to print the entire cluster state