Chapter 12. Troubleshooting and Debugging Apache HBase (TM)

Table of Contents

12.1. General Guidelines
12.2. Logs
12.2.1. Log Locations
12.2.2. Log Levels
12.2.3. JVM Garbage Collection Logs
12.3. Resources
12.3.2. Mailing Lists
12.3.3. IRC
12.3.4. JIRA
12.4. Tools
12.4.1. Builtin Tools
12.4.2. External Tools
12.5. Client
12.5.1. ScannerTimeoutException or UnknownScannerException
12.5.2. LeaseException when calling
12.5.3. Shell or client application throws lots of scary exceptions during normal operation
12.5.4. Long Client Pauses With Compression
12.5.5. ZooKeeper Client Connection Errors
12.5.6. Client running out of memory though heap size seems to be stable (but the off-heap/direct heap keeps growing)
12.5.7. Client Slowdown When Calling Admin Methods (flush, compact, etc.)
12.5.8. Secure Client Cannot Connect ([Caused by GSSException: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)])
12.6. MapReduce
12.6.1. You Think You're On The Cluster, But You're Actually Local
12.7. NameNode
12.7.1. HDFS Utilization of Tables and Regions
12.7.2. Browsing HDFS for HBase Objects
12.8. Network
12.8.1. Network Spikes
12.8.2. Loopback IP
12.8.3. Network Interfaces
12.9. RegionServer
12.9.1. Startup Errors
12.9.2. Runtime Errors
12.9.3. Shutdown Errors
12.10. Master
12.10.1. Startup Errors
12.10.2. Shutdown Errors
12.11. ZooKeeper
12.11.1. Startup Errors
12.11.2. ZooKeeper, The Cluster Canary
12.12. Amazon EC2
12.12.1. ZooKeeper does not seem to work on Amazon EC2
12.12.2. Instability on Amazon EC2
12.12.3. Remote Java Connection into EC2 Cluster Not Working
12.13. HBase and Hadoop version issues
12.13.1. NoClassDefFoundError when trying to run 0.90.x on hadoop-0.20.205.x (or hadoop-1.0.x)
12.13.2. ...cannot communicate with client version...
12.14. Case Studies

12.1. General Guidelines

Always start with the master log (TODO: Which lines?). Normally it’s just printing the same lines over and over again. If not, then there’s an issue. Google or should return some hits for those exceptions you’re seeing.

An error rarely comes alone in Apache HBase (TM), usually when something gets screwed up what will follow may be hundreds of exceptions and stack traces coming from all over the place. The best way to approach this type of problem is to walk the log up to where it all began, for example one trick with RegionServers is that they will print some metrics when aborting so grepping for Dump should get you around the start of the problem.

RegionServer suicides are “normal”, as this is what they do when something goes wrong. For example, if ulimit and xcievers (the two most important initial settings, see Section, “ ulimit and nproc) aren’t changed, it will make it impossible at some point for DataNodes to create new threads that from the HBase point of view is seen as if HDFS was gone. Think about what would happen if your MySQL database was suddenly unable to access files on your local file system, well it’s the same with HBase and HDFS. Another very common reason to see RegionServers committing seppuku is when they enter prolonged garbage collection pauses that last longer than the default ZooKeeper session timeout. For more information on GC pauses, see the 3 part blog post by Todd Lipcon and Section, “Long GC pauses” above.

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