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Welcome to the org.apache.forrest.plugin.output.inputModule Plugin

Apache Forrest - org.apache.forrest.plugin.output.inputModule Plugin

Produces properties from an input-module. This is been managed by the heart of this plugin the ModuleGenerator. The generator is contacting the input module and gets an iterator of all attributes names. This iterator will be then used to receive the values of the key. Till now we only use a Object to String cast but an input module does not have to return a simple String but can return any object. This may cause ClassCastExceptions for the values.


This section includes links to a number of samples using this plugin. The plugin is intended to be self documenting through these samples. If you require further help please ask on the user mailing list.

The more samples included here the easier it is for users to understand this plugin. If you can provide additional samples please do so.