Apache Forrest > Plugins
Plugin: POD output
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Welcome to the POD Output Plugin

Apache Forrest - POD Output Plugin

This plugin allows Forrest files to be output in the Perl Plain Old Documentation (POD) format, text with minimal formatting directives. If on a *nix system with perl installed, see "man perlpod".

How to Use the POD Plugin

The plugin needs to be incorporated into your existing build of Forrest. To do this,

  1. cd $FORREST_HOME/plugin/
  2. $FORREST_HOME/tools/ant/bin/ant local-deploy

Once you have the text plugin installed, it is simply a case of requesting a file with a pod extension. For example, this page as pod.

To have a POD link created in your project documentation, there are two things you will need to do:

  • Edit your forrest.properties file and add org.apache.forrest.plugin.pod-output to the project.required.plugin property.
  • Edit your skinconf.xml and set the <disable-pod-link> element to false.